Motivation & will power?

I am back to dieting again after avoiding mirrors and ignoring my blob of a body for months and putting on another sneaky stone in the process! I have a major problem with boredom/comfort eating!

The only problem is that i cannot keep motivated at all, exercise is so much effort and i cant resist all these wonderful foods!

What kinds of easy exercises do you do? And does anyone have any tips on how to motivate yourself?

Looking for some support and maybe someone to discuss dieting with on a regular basis?


  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    Eat what you want but in moderation. I work out using the elliptical and i walk a lot.
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    Forget those words, Motivation and will power are inventions.

    If you want something, you make it happen.
  • mspina315
    mspina315 Posts: 1
    I completely understand! I am horrible with motivation. I have a major problem with stress eating and I am really hoping this time I can stick with the weight loss.
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    For me it's pictures. I lost a whole load of weight last year and then put it back on and looking at the pictures of then and now really motivates me to get back to that. I know I did it once so I can do it again. As for exercises, there are no 'easy' exercises. I started off with pilates as it's really low impact and that motivated me to do more. I'm not doing a lot more now and while it's hard as I'm doing it, I really feel better for it. Just build up to it. Don't expect it to all happen at once. You'll get there. Once you start you just get the bug!
  • jrs5444
    jrs5444 Posts: 86
    There's no magic formula for staying motivated. We all have days every once in a while we just aren't "feeling it" But we have to try to make it through anyway. The key to doing exercise is to find something you enjoy..I get bored to tears at the gym so I started c25k and now I run outside. You just have to keep trying until you figure out what works for you! Good luck! =)
  • Wisemomoffour
    Wisemomoffour Posts: 125 Member
    I watch TV while on the elliptical or treadmill--start with just a few minutes at a time. (I always go longer though because I want to finish my show!) Also, I try to plan active outings with my kids or friends--bowling, the zoo, swimming, etc. You can count that exercise too! Good luck! Add me if you'd like.
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    I also have a problem with boredom/comfort eating and something that works for me is keeping my hands busy. I've started doing puzzles (which sounds stupid I know) but they really keep me from boredom eating. If my hands are busy they don't have time to do anything else. Everyone's different though. Try different things, puzzles, walking, exercising, whatever works :-)
  • aprilmeg
    aprilmeg Posts: 10
    I am in the EXACT same boat. I love, love, love to eat and have a hard time getting into the habit of regular exercise. Today is literally the second day of being back on MFP for me, and yesterday I went over my calorie goal. :sad:

    SO - my plan is to make delicious foods one of my motivators to work out. If I want that cupcake, I am going to earn it on the treadmill before I eat it. :smile:

    Stay positive! Know there are countless others in this with you!
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    My methods:

    1) Try to go on a fun hike, fail, realize you need to get in shape yesterday.

    2) Take bikini "before" pictures. Shock yourself into action.

    3) Eat what you love, but learn to love a little less of it (and therefore love it MORE! Less=more).

    4) Do what you love, if it be walking, swimming, bike rides, bird watching, or playing "Just Dance" on the Wii. Just do some every day! And then do a little more! And a little more!

    5) KEEP LOGGING IN. This place inspires the heck out of me and don't be afraid to whine a little on bad days. We will tell you to put on your big girl panties and keep it up. =)

    <3 You can do it. I didn't think I could but this website and "French Women Don't Get Fat" (the book & the website) have helped me a lot!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Forget those words, Motivation and will power are inventions.

    If you want something, you make it happen.

    THIS! This is exactly how I operate. I want this SO bad. It's my life now. It's who I am. SO I just do it.
    For exercises, I been doing this for almost year, so I been thru several programs. Right now I'm doing ChaLEAN Extreme with is lifting weights 3 times a week & cardio twice a week. I add abs twice a week in with 2 of my weight lifting days. I also do Brazil Butt Lift once a week and rest the other day.
  • missataylor1
    Thankyou guys! I've never really spoke to anyone about it and you have all made me feel a little more motivated and supported with all your comments! I'M GONNA DO IT! :D xxx