30lbs and still the same size

I have lost almost 30lbs since March (had lost 8 before joining this group). I am 5'4 and started at 238lbs at my heaviest. I was wearing an 18w comfortably. I am now 210lbs and STILL wearing an 18w comfortably!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone else with this problem? Any suggestions as to why? or how to fix it? I have been exercising and feel much better about myself and feel like I look better, but am frustrated that I haven't gone down ONE pant size yet. UGHHHHHH


  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    I don't think you'll drop below an 18 until you get UNDER 200 lb.

    I've lost 12 lbs, I am at 198 right now and I still wear an 18 in some things.
  • candiliza
    candiliza Posts: 77
    I would think it depends on where the weight is coming off. I started out (5'3 and 237lbs) and I am now 197. I was around an 18/20 and am now a 14/16. But I also noticed most of the weight is coming off my waist and hips.
  • mcpherson4
    mcpherson4 Posts: 287 Member
    Stretch denim is of the debil. No one knows there REAL size anymore. You will not always be the same size. I promise. Look how far you have already come!!!
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    It took me a long while to drop a size because my clothes were tight to begin with. At some point, I just refused to buy bigger clothes. So...instead of squeezing into my jeans, they just fit comfortably after some weight loss.

    Don't be discouraged! Everyone loses weight differently. The size will change soon.
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    i've had the same problem, it took 19lbs and 21 total body inches lost before I dropped from a 12 to a 10, i think it just has a lot to do with your body type. I am also 5'4" and started at 194 but I happen to have a thick frame (haha, the dr. even said it, so it's not just an excuse) and am very muscular. Keep at it, it'll come!
  • fitpilatesqueen
    In 9 weeks I have lost 17 lbs. I started at 128 and I´m down to 211. I still wear size 20/22 or 2x and they still feel just as tight on me. Even my bras and underwear are still just as tight and leaving marks and I can´t wait to drop a size to feel more comfortable wearing my clothes and not feeling like everything is about to burst.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I've only gone down one size in a certain brand. At Old Navy, I've gone down 2 sizes. I think it will vary
  • mizkitty22
    mizkitty22 Posts: 14 Member
    It might be the brand you're buying? Have you tried testing other brands or maybe you lost a lot of weight around your stomach but your wear your pants lower than the area in which you lost weight.
  • kikilorain
    kikilorain Posts: 19 Member
    It was the same for me... At my heaviest I was 245 and wore size 20 and I still can fit in a lot of those clothes even now, although I weigh 185 now. Are you trying on your own clothes or new clothes at the store? I felt the same until I went to the store and tried new clothes and discovered I could fit into a size 16 even though I still fit my size 20s.
  • coppertop_4
    coppertop_4 Posts: 258 Member
    40 pounds for me took me from a 20 to a 16.
    Don't give up. It's going to fall off!

    My co-worker has lost 14 inches and only 2 pounds.

    So maybe you could do measurements to see the difference?

    Arms, waist, hips, chest, neck etc
    Just because those 30 pounds are gone, doesn't mean they all came off your hips/legs/thighs right?
  • nataliexxxx
    nataliexxxx Posts: 262
    I have lost just over 30lbs and I can't tell a difference either its so annoying! But there is a difference in my clothes so keep on going and there soon will be in yours I'm sure you're feeling better and healthier and I'm sure you can tell a difference or will be able to soon :)
  • Jadehollybee
    Jadehollybee Posts: 22 Member
    I think it also depends what exercise your doing as if your not doing cardio you could be replacing the fat with muscle? but i would see if you go down after reaching 200lb
  • Stefxtastic
    Stefxtastic Posts: 17 Member
    It could be that when you work out you are burning fluid and muscle, not fat. The first few times I dieted that was my problem.
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    Have you tried shopping for new clothes or is this just the clothes you already have. I have noticed that problem with some of my existing clothes...down almost 30 lbs but doesnt feel like they fit much differently then they did 30 lbs ago. BUT, I have tried on some older clothes that were a size smaller and they fit too. It may just be WHERE you are losing it from first. I dont feel like my belly has really gone anywhere but, the extra crap that was in my legs and some of my thighs i have noticed it has gone away and the muscles are coming back out again.

    Dont get discouraged...just keep moving!! :) Certain things like that get frustrating but, you will move out of that size soon. GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    Afe you completely sure your clothes fit just as they used to fit??? you might think there'sno difference but sooner or later your clothes will be baggier and won't look good, even if they're not falling off your hips
  • MissKaitD
    MissKaitD Posts: 76
    I am in the exact same boat! I have lost a total of 35 pounds and I am still wearing the same jeans that I wore when I weighed my heaviest. I am 5'7 my heaviest being 255lb, it is a little bit discouraging to now weigh 220 and feel like I look no different :(
  • hanneberries
    hanneberries Posts: 119 Member
    I'm only on 15lbs lost, but it's the same for me. not a single shift in clothes or anything, and it's so discouraging.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
  • mrnndj
    mrnndj Posts: 19
    No I have not tried on new clothes at stores, just still wearing my same clothes. I assumed if they still fit me why go looking for new clothes if eventually I will loose weight. The funny thing is everyone is telling me they can tell I have lost weight in my hips ( I have bubble hips), chin, boobs, and stomach. AND I feel like I look different. Maybe I should try to go shopping and see if new clothes would fit. My exercise is.... I am doing baby steps as in the past if I go hard core I quit. I walk for 10 min, run for 5 walk for 10 run for 10 walk for 10 run for 10 walk for 5. I have it timed perfectly for my tv shows. I get caught up on my show while I exercise. haha.. I do this about 3-4 times a week.