Pee...a question



  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    pay attention to other items in your diary. It's not just water that has water in it. Many foods are also high in water.

    Caffine or not? Caffine is a diuretic.

    just a thought.
  • homemomfreda
    This happens to me too once in a while - not on a regular basis. It has nothing to do with the amount of water I drink. I've tried drinking hardly any water & it doesn't make a difference. I've even had my urine tested thinking I had an infection - and the tests have come back clean. When it does happen I make sure to have potassium because I've heard frequent urination can deplete your levels. There are many reasons for frequent urination. I notice if I am super stressed it can happen to me. My husband thinks I have a nervous bladder but it has happened to me when I am not stressed a few times. I also think it might have something to do with hormones?
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    There's a solution to not having to leave to pee in the woods and stuff:


    Freddy Benson: Excuse me. May I go to the bathroom first?
    Lawrence Jamieson: Of course you may.
    Freddy Benson: [after a pause, and with relief] Thank you.
  • glitterpiss
    glitterpiss Posts: 113
    maybe you're diabetic.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I have this issue sometimes, and it seems to correlate with hormone levels and when/how I take my medications. For example, when I was taking narcotic pain killers after surgery, I would regularly have to struggle to get up and go a lot, and it changed after it was out of my system... But I took on the other day, and bam, the issue was back!

    Some medications make you retain, others will make you let it out. I agree that you should watch other foods you eat. Some things, like oatmeal, hold a lot of water but it doesn't necessarily get released until a day or two later.

    Physical activity and elevation changes (I'm thinking of a hike in the woods) can jostle things and change the pressure in your bladder... The lower the air pressure, the more "full" you will likely feel.

    Me, I sometimes will go once an hour, though I try to hold out since I work in an office and everyone kinda knows when you go LOL
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    There have been times where I go every 40 min. All damn day. Dr. said I was fine. I was drinking a LOT, but then again I still do and I seem to go a lot less for last few months. I do have a sodium deficiency due to a condition I have so I try to not let it go below 2,000. At this point I go less (hallelujah!) but I still go every 2 hrs or so with an urgency like I haven't gone all day.
  • ChcolateLady11
    I work out at home, but I hate having to stop every 5min (It seems) to pee!!
    This only happens if I have two bottles of water an hr or so before I work out.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Consider "irritable bladder", which can be triggered by things like spicy foods, acidic foods, alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, msg, etc.

    Frequent urination can also be due to essential fatty acids deficiency. Rare, but possible, can be related to malabsorption or metabolic issues as well as lack of enough fat in your diet. Other symptoms would include dry, scaly, or bumpy skin, thin peeling nails, flyaway hair, dandruff, etc.

    Of course there are other reasons you could be having these issues as well.
  • mcpherson4
    mcpherson4 Posts: 287 Member