Brides to Be Group?!



  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    I love the fun title. I had a pretty successful first week. I worked out 5 of 7 days, including my crunches! I also did pretty well on the veggies. I had lots of salads, snacked on baby carrots instead of chips, and made sure to add a side of veggies to meals that I normally don't. And I lost my 1 pound goal this week. What should we do for week 2 of the challenge?
  • melissaag1984
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I didn't do well with the challenges, but I am getting back on track with things. So bring on the next one.
  • wmb0124
    wmb0124 Posts: 44 Member
    checking in...didn't do so well on the challenges, but the scale now says 157, so i must be doin somethin right =)
  • Arlala555
    Arlala555 Posts: 61 Member
    Hey Melisa found your post on WW and decided to join MFP because of it. I'm still getting into the swing of things at this site. The forum layouts are completely different and WW was the first forum I regularly post on. I would love to join the brides to be! My wedding date is 5-15-10. I need to lose to fit in my dress and to look good for my pics!
  • Arlala555
    Arlala555 Posts: 61 Member
    What is "BUMP" I just don't get it when people put BUMP as the only word on their post. Is it some kind of secret word/language on here?
  • melissaag1984
    What is "BUMP" I just don't get it when people put BUMP as the only word on their post. Is it some kind of secret word/language on here?

    Hi Ardala! Bump is just when we want to put the post back into easy viewing. Basically so it does not fall into the archives and become impossible to find. I am so glad you have joined us. We need to do a challenge for this week. How about drinking all of our water + and 30 mins+ of cardio a day?
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I am up for that challenge.
  • Arlala555
    Arlala555 Posts: 61 Member
  • Arlala555
    Arlala555 Posts: 61 Member
    Any Brides to be in the Fort Myers/Naples area? I love to chat about our upcoming weddings and weight loss goals and such!
    Anywho Weighed in at 173! Boo .5lbs up from the other day. I am so excited starting the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred today. Wish me luck!
  • jilly1342
    jilly1342 Posts: 2 Member
    Can I join too? I'm not getting married until 9/24/11 but I'm the MOH for my best friend who is getting married 10/16/10. I usually am really gung ho about eating healthy and exercising for about 2 weeks then it all falls apart. I'm hoping this will help hold me accountable.

    Good luck to everyone!!!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I would love to join too! I'm getting married 8/14/2010 and would love to lose 12 (now 9!) pounds by then, tone and maintain. My first dress fitting is in May so I'm hoping to be close by then. I particularly would love the fitness accountability, I have a super time-consuming job and can rarely make it to the gym before 8-9pm and it is hard to do it sometimes!
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I updated my ticker!!! We were planning to get married May 5th, but my fiance joined the Army National Guard and we are moving the date up to January 30th, which is our shared birthday. So far things are going well to have the small classic wedding that we had originally planned. I obviously won't be at my original weight goal of 110 by then, but would like to lose about 4 pounds to get down to 120. I have been sticking to nutrition goals pretty well, but I am finding it harder to make time for exercise with all of the planning. My sister is due with her second child on February 3rd, so wish us luck that she is able to be there for the wedding.
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    My sister had her baby girl this morning. All are well. So excited!
  • bride2010
    Hello all. i am a newbie but also a bride-to-be. I'm not from the Florida area but thought I might sneak in. My wedding date is June 26, 2010. I would like to lose about 40 more pounds. I would love to get and give encouragement.

  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    I want to join. He asked me to marry him on Christmas day so we don't have a date yet. But I have been with MFP since last Feb and have already lost some weight. I would like to be down to 130 by August this year. Weather or not we set a date by then I hope to be able to stay there.

  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Any Brides to be in the Fort Myers/Naples area? I love to chat about our upcoming weddings and weight loss goals and such!
    Anywho Weighed in at 173! Boo .5lbs up from the other day. I am so excited starting the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred today. Wish me luck!

    I have been working out to Jullian's Shred for 6 days now. I am going to move on to level 2 in four days. It is a tough workout but stick with it It is worth it. This is the 3rd time I have started it. The last 2 times I started it I only made it to day 4. This time I am totally commited.

    Hope to hear back from you.

  • bride2010
    This sounds like a great idea. I like the idea of writing how much we have lost over the week instead of the actual weight. I am pretty embarrassed. I love the two goals, too. I'll be doing my crunches tonight!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Hey I would love to join as well. Our wedding is Sept 18th, 2010. I would like to lose 15 pounds for that!
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    12 days until we get married. I got a bit off track over the weekend, but hopefully I can meet my goal of 120 by the 30th.