Do faith and fitness go together?

I have a friend that I sometimes work out with and when I begin to get discouraged I like to listen to MarY Mary . They are a christion group but it sounds more like hip hop or pop music. It is very motivational and uplifting. She says that there is no room for my faith to be in my work outs but reallly don't we all belive and have faith that we are going to reach our goals if we have a good fitness and nutrition program that we follow and have a good "FAITH" IN?:sad: :smokin:


  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Do you mean that you can't have your religious faith involved in your workouts? If that is what you are saying then what about the verse that says, "I can accomplish all things through Christ who strengths me." I think that there is definitely room for faith in work-outs and if Christian music motivates and encourages you then that is wonderful.
  • DrJerryFowler
    I think you are doing great. You can do much more WITH God, than without Him. There is nothing wrong with God being in every part of our lives. He is the great encourager. Keep up the good work!

    Dr Jerry
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Your friend is mistaken.........Faith is exactly what you should call on when you get discouraged........motivation and encouragement are so important to success in the health and fitness part of our lives.......:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • HealthyKt78
    Well you can't really say either of you are wrong. If having faith in whatever God you believe in and listening to his message is what works for you than that's what works for YOU. It may not work for your friend and that's fine. Continue doing what has worked for you. No one can tell you otherwise.

    As for my personal opinion on having the type of "faith" you are obviously referring to, I may write a blog about that later as my rant would be inappropriate for the board considering there is not suppose to be discussion on religious topics.
  • betoGod
    It is my faith that is calling me to get fit. As I was praying about going forward in this weight loss adventure, the Lord gave me this verse to stay motivated:
    Isaiah 55:26 "Listen carefully to me and eat what is good and let your soul delight itself in abundance."

    Without God in my life, I would not be able to do these things. His strength encourages me, strengthens me and motivates me to move forward into success. If I did listen to music in the gym it would only be Christian, although then you may find me worshiping rather than working out!

    You do when motivates you and don't listen to peer pressure, especially if they don't believe in what you believe.