Uk female restarting journey...again!

lexon5 Posts: 16 Member
Im 29 and need to lose over 100 pounds. Had the MFP app for a while but going to start using it more and use this website - first time on site today. Need motivation to help reach both food and exercise goals. Started off on the right foot today with a 5 mile walk, last 1.5 miles uphill. This is a massive achievement for me as I have been ill since April and this was my first proper exercise since then. Am aching now. Please add me as a friend if you think you can support me in my journey or if you feel i can help you. Especially interested to meet others females in the UK needing to lose approx 100 pounds to give me a guide on what people in my situation can achieve.


  • craigking
    craigking Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, welcome. Congratulations on taking the first steps towards the you that you can be. I hope I can help to keep you focused. You can achieve anything if you want it enough, you need a WHY, once you have this the sky is aa waypoint, not a limit :)
  • roybot86
    roybot86 Posts: 8
    Hi there,

    I just wanted to say Hi - I'm a UK female also, 26, and I signed up here last week and have 93 pounds to lose! I've never used this site before, and was really put off for ages by the thought of counting calories (I think I just wasn't keen on facing the facts!) but since signing up I've really started to feel positive about the future of my diet. Its nice to know that there's someone else out there who has a similar goal, I keep seeing people on here who have only a few pounds to lose (not that that isn't tough of course), but it makes me feel huge!

    Good luck!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    good luck!
  • roybot86
    roybot86 Posts: 8
    PS: I'm finding that I'm still able to eat most of the things I like while keeping within my calorie limit. I find the best way for me to keep on top of things is to have a set routine of meals - I eat the same breakfast (bran flakes) and lunch (ryvita with houmus and salad) nearly everyday, and try to keep both those meals relatively low in calories, so I have more to 'play with' in the evening.
    This seems fairly obvious but I made this mistake before I started counting calories - I tried to eat really low calorie foods everyday (I was eating bran flakes for breakfast and lunch) and after a few weeks I wasn't losing any weight. When I signed up here I realised that if I ate under 1200 calories in a day it would warn me that my body would go into starvation mode and would try and keep body fat. So make sure you eat over 1200! Sorry if thats patronising - it just made me realise that I didn't know as much about being healthy as I thought!
  • mirandamayhem
    I've sent you a friend request. I have 75lbs to lose, approx. I'm 33.
  • lexon5
    lexon5 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi. Just had chance to read your comments. Thanks for the info. Will bear that all in mind. I have added you as a friend so hopefully we can help each other through this. Well done for all your achievements so far.
  • angelraguel
    angelraguel Posts: 142 Member

    I have about another 6 stone to lose and have already lost 3 stone. Im having a difficult time right now with it but am back on trackj as off today! I think it would be great to support each other and im from the uk too. feel free to add me if ud like