Looking for those who lost weight once, gained some back



  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    I lost weight on MFP, then kind of dropped off using it, gained enough back that i, lately have been losing, and as you can see, my ticker keeps reading 0 lost. so my current goal is to hit the weight i need to make my ticker start actually SHOWING that i am losing, when i lose!!
  • that's me - several years ago went from 220 down to 180 in not a long period of time - 8 months or so.
    crept back up to 200, declared war on the gut again!
    Now i'm back down to 192 and my end goal is 175.
  • tamarakhalil
    tamarakhalil Posts: 1 Member
    yes, this is exactly what has happened to me. its so frustrating and I'm trying to lose around 3 kilos in total
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    There were two times in my life where i lost a good amount of weight, and then gained it back. Back in 1994, i was 230 lbs that November, and went down to 180 the following Summer. The bad thing was that i was smoking at the time, which obviously is a no-no when it comes to exercising. Then in April of 2006, i was 245 lbs, and went down to 205 in the beginning of that Summer. Of course, i got sidetracked with things that were going on in my life, and gained it all back. Now i started my quest to lost weight here on this site at (again) 245 lbs, but this time i'm more focused, and smarter than i was the two previous times i lost weight, and more determined to KEEP it off for good!
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    Yes, it happens! I was 10# from my goal weight last summer and this summer I'm up 14#! So now I'm 24# from goal weight!!
    It happens when we relax too much and slip into old habits that aren't healthy! I am back at it and feel great! I haven't seen the scale move a lot yet, but back at the gym for a little over a month now and I can "see" my body changing! This is a LIFETIME committment, not just until we get where we want to be and then stop! Hang in there! All things are possible if you want it bad enough! Good luck to all of us!
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    I did this too. I am still struggling. Life is a struggle. I guess I am really alive then! cheers!!! Add me too if you want.
  • jonelaw
    jonelaw Posts: 28
    My little MFP weight loss ticker is totally inaccurate----here it goes! I joined MFP in 2010; lost some weight initially then stopped logging in. Over time I gained more weight bringing me up to @ 250#. I Lost 80# in about 6 months time and then without really paying attention, gained 30# back! Since June, I have lost 25# again so am nearing my all time low. My weight is a daily battle as well. Would totally love to have had the same expereince as myself!
  • I lost over 2 stone around 6 years ago and kept it off for around 4 then it all went back on and some more, I tried numerous diets but nothing worked so now I have joined a slimming club and have lost 31lbs so far still another 13lb to go though!! it isn't easy but it's definitely worth it! xx
  • aduck23
    aduck23 Posts: 31 Member
    I was steadily making good progress towards my goal weight... fast forward 8 months. Got ultra lazy again. Gained back ALL the weight. Feeling pretty down on myself but I guess if i did it once I could do it again... but this time I hope to keep off the weight.
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    I know the feeling - I've done this 3 times over the last 10 years - each time I've got down to about 118 -122 lbs, then gradually it has gone back on because I've got complacent, stressed and whatever other excuse I could find. I seem to put on about 21 - 28 lbs before I start again. This time I've put on a bit more - and here we go again.

    I don't really eat badly - just too much, but I really need to quit the wine if only because it makes me feel sluggish in the morning and prevents me going for a run (apart from all the empty calories).
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    This is me!!! I was at 115lbs two years ago now 135lbs!
  • Beanie008
    Beanie008 Posts: 63 Member
    Completely. I was on track doing great things, then ... and I fell off the wagon. Back on now, and feeling better already. Anyone can feel free to add me. Good luck everyone!
  • Gizzy1976
    Gizzy1976 Posts: 126 Member
    I was down to 174lbs from 277lbs before Xmas and went back up to 196lbs. It's so disheartening as I felt the best i had ever felt. I can't understand why I would go back to my old eating habits after I had done so well. Anyway I am back on the Waggon and I'm currently at 187lbs. Feel free to add me ????
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    Feel free to add me!!