Why have I already peaked at only 10lbs lost?!

I started MFP 30 days ago and have lost 9 lbs. so far. I lost it very quickly, I would say within 18 days in ... but even though I am continuing to eat healthy, being active and typically under my calorie goal most days, it seems that I have stopped losing any more weight for the last 12 days! I am hovering around 8-9 lbs. lost. Its getting frustrating that one day I will be extra good with nutrition, calorie intake, and exercise, and then the next morning I will weigh 0.6 lbs more than I did the day before! I understand there is always small fluctuations and water weight, etc. but 12 DAYS I have not lost anything!
Did anyone else experience this, this soon after beginning to lose weight? Is there anything I can do to accelerate the weight loss?


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    open diary will help.

    In general you use less calories at a lower weight, and there may also be a calorie reduction in response to eating less, so you may need to adjust downwards if you're eating close to your expenditure.
  • nikkiw283
    nikkiw283 Posts: 90
    I have been at it since May & I just went through a 3.5 week "plateau" were I was fluctuating up and down by 1/2 a pound. I finally broke through the plateau by just pushing on with my healthy habits. It worked because all the the sudden it just started falling off again. I have lost almost 4lbs in the last week. Keep at it! You will start dropping again.
  • judsywudsy
    judsywudsy Posts: 44 Member
    I am having a similar problem, Lost 5lbs pretty quickly, and now i am stuck, scale actually said i gained a pound, even though i am still within my calorie goal daily!
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    I started MFP 30 days ago and have lost 9 lbs. so far. I lost it very quickly, I would say within 18 days in ... but even though I am continuing to eat healthy, being active and typically under my calorie goal most days, it seems that I have stopped losing any more weight for the last 12 days! I am hovering around 8-9 lbs. lost. Its getting frustrating that one day I will be extra good with nutrition, calorie intake, and exercise, and then the next morning I will weigh 0.6 lbs more than I did the day before! I understand there is always small fluctuations and water weight, etc. but 12 DAYS I have not lost anything!
    Did anyone else experience this, this soon after beginning to lose weight? Is there anything I can do to accelerate the weight loss?

    It's only been 12 days. This is not a real plateau. Stay consistent and the weight will come off.

    Also, use other measures of progress such as tape measurements and clothing size. The scale will not give you the complete picture.
  • amystyran
    amystyran Posts: 84 Member
    I did the same, I lost 5lbs really quickly, then put on 2lbs, then stopped losing anything. i found that I had to really 'eat clean' and drink much more water, then I started 30 day shred which helped loads :)
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    Keep pushing!! Your hard work WILL pay off!!

    You cannot STAY at that weight forever, it will absolutely go down if you keep pushing. Go an extra 10 minutes each day.

    I started off burning about 300 calories a day (with my HRM) 36 days ago. I lost 8 pounds. Now the weight is coming off so much easier.

    Now, I burn 900+ a day. I love it. After you see that weight come off, you will NOT want to stop!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    This is familiar to me to. My experience at dieting and weighing myself daily is that I tended to drop weight quick for a couple of days and then the weight stablised for a week to 2 and then I loose more. I've no idea why because my diet/exercise is constant. It could be something to do with my body but I've also thought it could be something to do with the scales themselves. No matter though my experience is that if you keep going you will keep loosing.

    Note as well in the first week or so I always drop a lot of weight - 5 or 6 lb. I'm sure some of this is fat but a lot of it is water associated with glycogen reduction etc. After this loss my weight then drops, plateaus (even with a bit of a rise occasionally) and then drops again. Knowing this helps me motivate myself. I'm chuffed when I loose 2lb and then put extra effort in to stop the scales going backwards.

    good luck
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    I did the same, I lost 5lbs really quickly, then put on 2lbs, then stopped losing anything. i found that I had to really 'eat clean' and drink much more water, then I started 30 day shred which helped loads :)

    The 30 day shred has changed my body in ways I never thought possible!!
    I have not missed a day because I love the way it's making me look and feel!!!
  • natashiag
    natashiag Posts: 33
    Don't give up! Weight loss is just one of the benefits to changing your lifestyle, and it will come!
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    I started MFP 30 days ago and have lost 9 lbs. so far. I lost it very quickly, I would say within 18 days in ... but even though I am continuing to eat healthy, being active and typically under my calorie goal most days, it seems that I have stopped losing any more weight for the last 12 days! I am hovering around 8-9 lbs. lost. Its getting frustrating that one day I will be extra good with nutrition, calorie intake, and exercise, and then the next morning I will weigh 0.6 lbs more than I did the day before! I understand there is always small fluctuations and water weight, etc. but 12 DAYS I have not lost anything!
    Did anyone else experience this, this soon after beginning to lose weight? Is there anything I can do to accelerate the weight loss?

    It's only been 12 days. This is not a real plateau. Stay consistent and the weight will come off.

    Also, use other measures of progress such as tape measurements and clothing size. The scale will not give you the complete picture.

    Yes, I just bought a measuring tape from the fabric department at walmart for $1.50
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Without seeing your diary and exercise I cannot definitively say but people who lose that much weight in the beginning that quickly...it's probably water weight. Change up what you're doing a bit...do different workouts. If your eating less calories, eat more calories and try eating several small meals/snacks throughout the day..that's a surefire way to light a fire under your metabolism's a*@!
  • Dynette789
    Dynette789 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for these encouraging words! I seem to stay at the same weight for the last 1.5 months! Very frustrating!!! But I'm not gaining so that's a plus.. but I NEED to loose!
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I am having a similar problem, Lost 5lbs pretty quickly, and now i am stuck, scale actually said i gained a pound, even though i am still within my calorie goal daily!

    this is me too..I am under every day by 300+ calories..and do my 3 mile walk every am and yet the scale will say I gained a lb. WTH?? NO! I am even guilty of moving the scale around the floor till I find a spot that weighs something different.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    The quick 9lbs was water weight. Welcome to the slow, painful, patience-requiring fat loss stage. Keep chugging along!
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    Generally at the start of weight loss you will lose a lot of weight quickly. This is mainly to do with the sudden change in diet and some of the weight lost will be water and muscle.

    This is very typical.

    After that it slows down but that's the most important part. After the easy bit at the start it kind of sorts the wood from the trees in terms of dedication to fitness to see who will stick with it and who won't.

    Now you should concentrate on getting together a weekly exercise routine including cardio and strength. You should push yourself in your exercise and focus on results with that i.e. being able to run your first 5k, how long you can do a certain exercise for.
    Concentrate on cleaning up your diet and eliminating junk food. And try to get a bit more protein in your diet. Unfortunately you haven't made your food diary public so we can't make any specific suggestions.

    You will lose the weight you just have to not give up.

    Also, even if you don't notice it you could be not trying as hard because you have it in your head how esy it was to lose the first 10lbs. That's what I do.
  • LadyL2012
    LadyL2012 Posts: 127 Member
    I am having exactly the same problem OP.

    I have been told that i actually need to up my calories slightly, could it be you are eating too little?
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    I hit a small plateau early on for about a week and a half - then I changed up my workout routine and varied my breakfast menu. Changing things up a bit seemed to do well for me. Just keep at it - things will work out.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Your body needs to adjust to the changes in diet and exercise patterns, so give it some time to do so.

    I would recommend to new starters that they weigh themselves on day 1 and don't weigh themselves again until they have been using MFP for 30 days, thus getting a realistic view on how their diet is working and avoiding the disapointment during the adjustment period. It is difficult to keep away from the scales though, and everyone likes to keep a check on their progress.

    Good luck with your weight loss.
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    Burn 3500 more calories than you consume in a week and you will lose weight and/or inches. Make sure you are accurately recording your portions and exercise as the discrepancies will add up and create confusion and frustration.

    Hope this helps :)
  • Ashers83
    Ashers83 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm in the SAME place! I'm hovering at about 7-10lns lost. It has been almost a month. This week I started the 30 Day Shred and I also do kickboxing 2-3 daus a week. Very frustrating :(