Anyone else out there on Day 1?



  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Every day is Day 1, This is how i try to operate, I have a habit of getting comfortable, I can not get comfortable on this journey. Good luck.
  • Deslie44
    Deslie44 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, on Day 2 and so looking forward to shifting this weight - just too scared to weigh myself though ?!?! Thought I´d try and slim down a bit first and then weigh myself so its not too much of a shock !

    Amazing how I already feel like ´someone is watching´ so Im aware of every single thing that Im eating - for sure I think this will work!

    Good luck to everyone and well done to those high achievers - thank you for the inspiration!

  • jennable
    jennable Posts: 48 Member
    I have been using MFP for about 6 months, but every day is like the first day. It is conscious decision to "start over"! :) I am running my first half marathon in November in Savannah GA. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Hello to all, this is my first day also and trying to figure out the right way to do things. Good luck every one!!!
  • twotilly
    twotilly Posts: 2
    :smile: I am just into my 2nd week - have found it really hard the days that I'm working and stuck at a desk for 8 - 10 hours, plus being winter here no time to do anything on those days and find I graze all day and go over my calories. I love days off as if the weather is good I get outside with my horses and burn lots of energy.
    I'm not a very disciplined person so am finding this really good as it makes me stop and think about what I'm eating & just how much I put into my body. I am hoping to not only lose weight but also develop healthier habits along the way.
  • hey Day 2 for me, I went overboard with my calories today but I really like that 'myfitness pal' will give me da egde to keep track of my calories, I am finding this website easier to navigate, which is a plus - for a start
  • 8cakebaby8
    8cakebaby8 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi - I'm on day 2. Yesterday I just used the phone app to log what I ate (and to meal plan for the week!). Today I've found the forum which I'm hoping will give me the support, inspiration, motivation, and meal ideas that I need to make a sucess of this.

    I've know for a while that I need to "do something" to sort out my eating habbits and weight. I hate not fitting into my clothes, I hate dressing to cover up rather than show off, and above all I hate that I seem to eat without thinking about the effects it will have. I'm really hoping that logging everthing that goes in, will make me think more about what I'm eating and why I'm eating it.

    Yesterday (day 1) was great (after the inital shock of weighing myself.....), I stuck with in my 1200 cal limit, and enjoyed cooking up a huge batch of heathly, tasty, low cal ratatouille which I had for dinner last night with teryaki salmon, and had for lunch just now with a wholemeal pitta bread nom nom nom!!!!

    As I've only just found this forum I don't have any friends yet - if anyone wants to friend me please do, hopefully we can inspire and motivate eachother along!!
  • I'm on day 3 now, so Monday was day 1!

    Typical that I've been poorly and just want junk food...

    Lost weight on here before but fell off the wagon, so back on again and need some inspiration. Need to lose 30lb before Christmas, that's my long term target and achievable if I put my mind to it!

  • Flavia24
    Flavia24 Posts: 12

    I'm on day 3 now, but every day feels like day 1 tbh, haha!

    Flavia from Toronto xx
  • staceface519
    staceface519 Posts: 167
    This is my second or 3rd week of MFP. . . the support is awesome as i seem to go strong then lack every now and again. . . I LOVE this place as its like weight watchers but for free and you have teh support as well (i used to work for them and paying 39.99 for support just doesnt cut it) . . . feel free to add me as im always here for motivation and support and lets lose some poundage! it feels like everyday is day 1 :)
  • sherriryan
    sherriryan Posts: 4 Member
    I am on day one and I am determinined to work at this until I feel better about my weight. I think I would like to lose 30 pounds but I am going to concentrate on 10 pounds at a time.
    I am a busy married mom with 4 teenagers at home.
    I've been doing hot yoga and now I am trying to run 20 minutes 3 times a week. I love walking with my dog, too.
    Good luck.
  • This is my day 2! Super excited about what the future holds. Love the motivation the MFP forums are providing. I certainly need it! :smile:
  • Hello - this is my second day (not my first time). I would really like to stick to it this time. I went over by 220 calories yesterday, still trying to figure out what to eat for breakfast and lunch. Any suggestions? Picky eater (unless I like it) and I cannot really make anything myself during the week.
  • I'm not on day 1 on here, but this is day 1 of actually using it. I created this account a while back because a coworker was using it and it seemed to be working for him, but I didn't commit myself to it. Today, I actually woke up a 5:30am and worked out (thanks to a lot of "encouragement" from my girlfriend who wouldn't let me go back to sleep). I want to cut some weight, be healthier, and actually be able to skate through an entire hockey game now with out feeling like my chest is going to explode and I'm going to pass out. It's been a year of self abuse since I got out of the army, now it's time to get back to the commitment level I had before. I would love to have some people add me as a friend on here for encouragement and ideas for diet and excersize. Best of luck to everyone!!!

  • I've had this for awhile now, but have not really been fully devoted to using it. So now I am and this is day one (: I lost about twenty pounds last year on WW but honestly the price for support and a community isn't worth it. Hoping to find a support system on here (: We can do it!
  • brookhood
    brookhood Posts: 9 Member
    Day 1 for me!!
  • dradebelyl
    dradebelyl Posts: 2 Member
    On Day 2 and found this site extremely well done. I was using weight watchers but never filled it in, so paying for nothing. This site is even better then Weight Watchers and it is free. Would like only to loose about 15lbs so will give it a try for a couple of months and see what happens.
  • kp112383
    kp112383 Posts: 1
    this is my first day too!!! its gonna be a long road for me!
  • hezro
    hezro Posts: 12 Member
    Day 3 for me! :)
  • Just started this morning for the first time. My doctor told me about this website a month ago but I was too lazy to try it. So here it goes! I really need to lose at least 60 pounds to get my diabetes under control.