Juicing .... Has it worked for you?

I saw an infomercial the other day on Juicing ~ I think it was called the healthmaster. It looks like it makes sense but I was wondering if any of you had tried it ~ if you had success with it. :smile:


  • sin2001
    sin2001 Posts: 125 Member
    I myself have yet o try it. I hear it works. Have you seen the documentary Fat, Sick, and Dieing? its a man who does juicing to get healthy. Its got Dr. stand points and all that. sort of a way to reset your body.
  • jenichenny
    jenichenny Posts: 73 Member
    I'm obsessed with it! I have to juice everyday or I feel sluggish. Can't believe I lived without it! I juice first thing in the morning to set myself up for a good day. Plus it's best on and empty stomach.
  • JamieAbnowski
    JamieAbnowski Posts: 18 Member
    I have a NutriBullet food extractor. Instead of squeezing the juice out of your fruits and veggies and leaving behind all the good fibers, vitamins, etc...it just emulsifies all of it. Fantastic. I love it. Start everyday with a fruit and veggie smoothie and I feel great. I had a weird revelation the other morning...I woke up and said to myself- "I think I want to go for a jog this morning". That has NEVER happened to me before.
    I highly recommend the NutriBullet. Check it out on youtube. And it is much more affordable than a quality juicer.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I know this is not an option for some people... but for most - please just ditch the juicer and eat whole fruits & veg. The juicing process leaves so much goodness behind you make mother nature cut herself. :wink:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I 'juice' on ocassion. not for weight-loss, but after a road trip or something similar, my gut feel heavy and groggy, so I juice a meal or 2 for a week to let my GI rest & gives me a little boost of goodness (sometimes my stomach/itestines neeed a few days of EASY to digest stuff)

    I think the concept might be: Juicing does NOT replace real foods but it's an intense burst of easy to digest vitamins.
  • jenichenny
    jenichenny Posts: 73 Member
    I know this is not an option for some people... but for most - please just ditch the juicer and eat whole fruits & veg. The juicing process leaves so much goodness behind you make mother nature cut herself. :wink:

    Juicing breaks the fruits and veggies down so that your body can absorb the micro nutrients. That's something you wouldn't get had you just eaten the fruit or veggie whole. It's best to get both. I tend to juice half fruit and half veggies then I eat whole veggies the rest of the day.

    There are tons of benefits from juicing but it's also important to make sure you eat whole fruits and veggies and watch your fiber intake. Juicing removes the fiber.
  • jenichenny
    jenichenny Posts: 73 Member

    I think the concept might be: Juicing does NOT replace real foods but it's an intense burst of easy to digest vitamins.

    Right on the money!
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I don't juice but I do use fruit to make a smoothie for breakfast and sometimes lunch depending on the day. I use a Cuisinart mini blender, put in the fruit, protein powder and some water (sometimes yogurt too) and blend it up! So good tasting and it's a very quick and easy breakfast on my early days! The way I've done it also lets me get in added protein too.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Juicing breaks the fruits and veggies down so that your body can absorb the micro nutrients.

    That's something you wouldn't get had you just eaten the fruit or veggie whole.

    This is incorrect. Your body will absorb the micronutrients from whole foods when eaten.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I'm wary of the concept of juicing. Your digestive system has evolved over a million years specifically to be it's own juicer. If you start liquifying everything you eat, you're messing with the whole system - probably messing with the rates of digestion too, which could cause all sorts of unusual post prandial blood component spikes. I get it if it's done for medical reasons, or very short term to give your digestion system a break, but otherwise... I dunno.

    The best ad I've ever seen against juicing is the documentary "fat, sick and nearly dead". It's supposed to be all for the diet but if you look carefully at the guy, by the end of his juicing journey - although he's lost weight - he is visibly palid, skinny-fat, soft and unhealthy looking.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Well, I make fresh juice in my juicer, and sometimes I will have that for a meal or a snack, but not for a whole day. I did at one time try to do the juice fast. I think I did it for about 16 hours. I did do about half of my calories through juice for a while when I was having some digestive issues and it did help, but I just can't get what I need out of juice alone.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    This is not at all what I thought this thread was going to be about..........
  • luvmypwds
    luvmypwds Posts: 81
    LOVE juicing. It's not so much a diet though. I do a juice fast once a week to give my body a break from all the crap that I put in it. But I don't juice myself; I buy it from Blue Print Cleanse. Delicious stuff, especially their cashew milk!
  • Reneefit135
    Reneefit135 Posts: 170
    I know this is not an option for some people... but for most - please just ditch the juicer and eat whole fruits & veg. The juicing process leaves so much goodness behind you make mother nature cut herself. :wink:

    Juicing breaks the fruits and veggies down so that your body can absorb the micro nutrients. That's something you wouldn't get had you just eaten the fruit or veggie whole. It's best to get both. I tend to juice half fruit and half veggies then I eat whole veggies the rest of the day.

    There are tons of benefits from juicing but it's also important to make sure you eat whole fruits and veggies and watch your fiber intake. Juicing removes the fiber.

    I think juicing is a good idea bc it does assimilate easier and gives digestive system a break. However it can't be true that you wouldn't get all the nutrients if you eat the fruits and veggies raw... you get everything the fruit or veggies has to offer it just is digested differently but assimilated into the body. Im no expert though, just makes sense to me.
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    After watching Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead I took on a juicing challenge. I did it for just about 3 weeks. While I dropped at least 15-20 pounds, it all came back within a few weeks of going back to "real" food. None of the 50 pounds I've currently lost are due to juicing. They're all from eating better and being more active.

    I will say this, I did start to feel the positive effects of juicing daily. I slept better, had great energy, my skin looked better, etc. I keep thinking about adding juicing into my current food and work out regimen. I wouldn't supplement juice for a meal again, but I think it's worth trying to add in to your life to see how you feel on it.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I read that you lose a lot of the vitamins, minerals and fiber by consuming fruit and veggies in liquid form.
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    After watching Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead I took on a juicing challenge. I did it for just about 3 weeks. While I dropped at least 15-20 pounds, it all came back within a few weeks of going back to "real" food. None of the 50 pounds I've currently lost are due to juicing. They're all from eating better and being more active.

    I will say this, I did start to feel the positive effects of juicing daily. I slept better, had great energy, my skin looked better, etc. I keep thinking about adding juicing into my current food and work out regimen. I wouldn't supplement juice for a meal again, but I think it's worth trying to add in to your life to see how you feel on it.


    Exactly the same experience. Plus, while I was doing it, I rapidly lost stamina to the point where I couldn't run anymore--one sure sign that your body is NOT getting the nutrition it needs.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I know this is not an option for some people... but for most - please just ditch the juicer and eat whole fruits & veg. The juicing process leaves so much goodness behind you make mother nature cut herself. :wink:

    Yup. But if you need a good poop, by all means, juice! I used to drink a lot of fresh juices when I worked a natural foods store years ago, and I was running to the bathroom within an hour. :noway:
  • jenichenny
    jenichenny Posts: 73 Member

    Juicing breaks the fruits and veggies down so that your body can absorb the micro nutrients.

    That's something you wouldn't get had you just eaten the fruit or veggie whole.

    This is incorrect. Your body will absorb the micronutrients from whole foods when eaten.

    I get what your saying but I've read quite a few books on it and this is what the studies show. I guess it's a personal decision. Good arguments on both sides. I don't juice to replace food but in addition to. I've seen so many benefits from juicing that I never got from eating raw.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Juicing breaks the fruits and veggies down so that your body can absorb the micro nutrients.

    That's something you wouldn't get had you just eaten the fruit or veggie whole.

    This is incorrect. Your body will absorb the micronutrients from whole foods when eaten.

    I get what your saying but I've read quite a few books on it and this is what the studies show. I guess it's a personal decision. Good arguments on both sides. I don't juice to replace food but in addition to. I've seen so many benefits from juicing that I never got from eating raw.

    If you didn't absorb micronutrients from eating fruit and vegetables don't you think there would be a whole lot of dead people from nutrient deficiencies?

    Wouldn't I have scurvy by now since I don't juice?