Looking for emotional eaters to help support each other!



  • alemap67
    alemap67 Posts: 13
    friend request sent...I sure am an emotional eater...we can get thru this!
  • brokenwoman
    brokenwoman Posts: 25 Member
    she is right i am an emotional eater and i started out a few minutes at a time of walking and made my way to 4 miles i lost 50lbs doing this last year and i did not deny myself anything
    Also, exercise helps so much with stress! Try walking - it doesn't matter how slow. Ten minutes, thirty minutes, an hour a day - whatever you can fit in. You'll notice a difference!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I used to be an emotional eater ...... now I channel the stress into exercise ..... cardio, weights, and yoga ...... much healthier than stuffing food in my mouth ......

    Best of luck to you along this path !
  • Prilla04
    Prilla04 Posts: 174 Member
    I get it. Add me. :)
  • jackibailey
    jackibailey Posts: 206 Member
    Feel free to add me to. I have binge eating disorder and bulimia. I have suffered for years. I recently joined Overeaters Anonymous and am hoping that I can work hard enough at it to fix my brain. Am really bad about starting the steps because it is a lot of soul searching and I don't know if I'm ready to deal with myself. I joined MFP in April 2011 and in seven months I lost 70 pounds. I was doing so good and exercising 4-5 times a week. Well, I'm so huge that all that exercise was so hard on my body I got bursitis in my hips. I had to stop because I could barely walk. I was put on an NSAID and pain pills which I have to take twice a day in order to be able to walk. I got depressed afterwards and just went crazy. I binged nearly every night November through April of this year. I gained back 55 pounds. On may 1st I decided to try this again as my food plan for OA. I have lost 20 pounds so far. I still binge eat. My goal is to go a whole week without doing it. Baby steps. It's been two successful days. I'm still in shock that I've lost twenty pounds. I really must've been retaining a lot of water at first. I hope you will add me as a friend. It'd be nice to have someone going through the same thing as I am to talk to. Please take care. Hope to hear from you soon. Jacki.
  • butterpecan_ts
    butterpecan_ts Posts: 48 Member
    Im also an emotional eater and have been tackling the reasons behind my weight gain. You can find them in my blogs. I, like you, have 80 pounds to lose. I'm am trying really hard to pay attention to my body and what it's saying to me, instead of runnng to food to comfort myself. I would love to be your friend.
  • profgal43
    profgal43 Posts: 115 Member
    Helpful to see so many in my boat! I am just starting this weight loss thing again and could definitely use and share support as well. 48 and in the worst shape of my life. I have 40 pounds to lose and am struggling to start exercising again. I struggle with anxiety and stress eat; a bad combination. Evenings are my tough spot. Getting home to my empty house inevitable triggers carb and wine cravings. Do great all day but get home and blow it. Living with someone would help but its not an option right now. I have pets. Any other suggestions?

    good luck to all and thanks for starting this discussion. Is there a group meeting place for us?
  • becsks
    becsks Posts: 12
    Count me in! I've always used food as an emotional crutch. I gained 20 emotional-eater pounds over the last year and it started with my husband's layoff. Then, once that was under control, I got hit with health issues. And then, when work got ridiculously stressful... you know the story. And here I am, trying to take back control of my stress eating binges, my pity-party wine & cheese & lots-o-cr*p binges, and all the rest.

    I'm finding exercise helps with the stress too, but only exercise I like. And it's taken me a lot of trial and error to find the right exercise (yoga, outdoor bootcamp with a nice instructor, any sort of group classes, weekend biking). And it's taken me even longer to insist on space for exercise in my life (instead of letting food and stress take over).
  • Inglebert
    Inglebert Posts: 34 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I'm an every-emotion eater!

    Hope we can help each other. I've found NLP useful, but have fallen off the bandwagon again, trying to get going again, and think a fit lifestyle is what is needed.
  • julesribar
    julesribar Posts: 43 Member
    Count me in as a friend!:smile:
  • im an emotional eater too. On this diet I an always full and I weight each morning and even 2 ounces keeps me going. I try to save my snack till night because that is when i really want to eat. So far so good. You can do it and the people on here are great and so helpful, you can befriend me if you want.
  • I'm an emotional eater, too. I have four little kids and by the end of the day I am worn out and stressed, and I EAT! Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe we can help each other :-)
  • kithalloyd
    kithalloyd Posts: 135 Member
    I am a emotional eater have been since I can remember. While some lose while under stress I gain. I have gained 50 lbs since my husband got laid off and is not working. I have tried to get it off over the last 3 yrs but I just lose and gain again. Being stressed food is my comfort it fills the void. I am however working on not doing that. I am working on finding self worth. WE deserve to be healthy and happy. I found a book called "Telling yourself the truth" its about how the way we think is the reason we are down not others. It helps to get the mind back on track. So instead of saying we cant beat emotional eating say we are winning. Each day we get closer to the finish line. Feel free to add me anyone on his thread :smile:
  • snoppdog69
    snoppdog69 Posts: 25
    Count me in too.

    I have been an emotional eater for a long time so know what it feels like, mainly due to my family.

    it's great that someone else feels the same and hope we can support each other.

  • msdna40
    msdna40 Posts: 1
    I know exactly what you mean by stress eating!! I have quite a bit of weight to loose but I am beginning to look at things differently. Food is fuel for your body, so it needs to be healthy, filling, and full of things that keep it going. To me its not weight loss, its weight I have conquered!! Before you put anything in your mouth, think "Will this help my body?" I am glad to know I have some more support from this website and that I am indeed on a journey with many others who have the same struggles that I do. Thanks for the encouragement and support!!
  • Fatty_Melt
    Fatty_Melt Posts: 18 Member
    I'm an emotional eater and I have been since I was a kid. My inability to cope with stress propelled me to 424lbs and now I'm trying to lose 224 of them. I'm trying to develop a healthier relationship with food, but I still have bad days and that's okay. I just log everything I eat when I'm stressed (even when I'm ashamed of the quantities :embarassed: ), and I don't give up if the scale doesn't move. Just take it one day at a time.

    I said all that to say: Feel free to add me. I totally get it :smile:
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm a emotional eater! I've been that way for years, and each year weight has stacked on...I hit my top weight EVER last April and joined MFP
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    You can add me! I am an emotional eater to the core! Not feeling well= eat, Hungover=eat, bad day=eat, tired=eat, bored=eat! EAT EAT EAT so I totally understand!

    I've found, like others have said, just getting out of the house/apt and moving. Allowing your mind to clear and focus on why you want to eat and creating a positive habit out of what used to be a binge session.

    Good luck this time around!
  • mrsmelonmaryjane
    mrsmelonmaryjane Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Buckeye,
    I am an emotional eater too. I know I am addicted to carbs because when I was little my mom would give us toast and tea when we were sick. It's comfort for me. I also found myself heavier than ever this year. I had been through a lot of emotional stress, financial stress, surgery, etc. I think that the discipline of filling out the daily diary will help you. It helps me to slow down and consider what I'm putting in my mouth. Also, I think it is wise to have some low calories, fat free treats around that you can eat when you feel like you need something. I have found that having fresh fruit in the house helps. And weight watchers treats are not too bad but popsicle fat free fudge pops are less calories I think. This way if I'm really stressed I can eat two. :)
    Keep writing!

  • pinkie1981
    pinkie1981 Posts: 30
    I am an emotional eater myself. My life has been filled with one problem after another and I have never really found a different approach to dealing with it other than eating. Please fill free to add me as a friend, I need all the support I can get to overcome this. That friend request is open to everyone :smile: