I'm curious - early twenty somethings ?



  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I'm 19

    live in england with my boyfriend who has a studentship of £16,500
    buying a flat now, payments are about £600 a month
    we're comfortable, but i had to take out slightly more from my student loans to cover transportation
    we have about £350 a month for leisure/outings and about £200 a month for food and £100 for bills

    tbh, i'm wondering how you can't afford $450 a month. i've worked full time in the US and could definitely afford it (on near minimum wage). i'm just estimating you work about 40 hours a week, and it seems like you'd have more than enough for rent and transportation etc
  • jly33403
    jly33403 Posts: 49
    Where do you live where a one-bedroom apartment is $450? In DC, that sort of thing is $1500+.

    Right? I'm in a philly suburb and one of the cheapest around here is $1350
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Where do you live where a one-bedroom apartment is $450? In DC, that sort of thing is $1500+.

    Right? I'm in a philly suburb and one of the cheapest around here is $1350

    Most likely the south or midwest, I lived in Oklahoma and you can find a one bedroom for $400 a month.
  • jennt_22
    jennt_22 Posts: 155 Member
    Hey! I am 22 as well :)

    Where I go to school there is a really popular 5 year program I am in where you go to school freshman year and get a summer vacation, then for the next three years you are in school for 6 months then co-op full time for 6 months, then senior year you are back in classes all year until the spring. Right now I am in my third and last co-op working full time and I make 16.75/hr. I work for PECO which is Philadelphia's Electric (and gas) Company in their Environmental Department.
    I also live in Philadelphia in a big house with 5 other girls + my boyfriend (officially starting this weekend... poor guy or lucky guy? hahaha). With rent + utilities we all pay about $750-800/month (a lot I know but in the area I am in that's actually reasonable). I don't struggle too much right now but when my co-op is over and I will def be struggling A LOT.... not sure what I will do yet but will probably find a part-time job while taking classes. Lastly I ride my bike to work to save on gas money/token money for public transportation, that def helps.

    I'd suggest looking for another job that pays a little more or try to find a roommie. I know living with another person can be very hard (seeing as I used to live in a sorority house with wayyy to many girls lol) but it helps SO much with rent and bills. Is there anyone you already know/get along with well that you could possible get a place with? What about renting a room? I also hate to say this but if I can't get a job out of college I will probably have to move home to save up enough until I can be own my own (worst case scenario of course). Maybe you could get another part time job on top of the one you already have? I know that would be a lot though and prob not ideal. Good luck with everything though. This time in our lives is hard... transitioning from school to getting a job and being on your own. Just look at what the other posters have said.... many of them were struggling at this age but a few years later they are just fine. Keep your head up! :)
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    Im 27, but have lived on my own for the past 5 yrs. (I also have a 7yr old son, single mom)I recently moved back home to help pay for tuition ( out of pocket). Really you just need to focus on a budget.I have never really struggled to pay my bills. Everything i have i can say that i obtained it on my own. Never had a bf/ husband/ roommate living with me to help share some bills. My credit score is really good which in turn I get really good rates or 0% on large purchases. I guess i can say I have never been declined when applying for something. Here are a few Random things I did to help me get by and enjoy life.

    1. Coupons, coupons, coupons.
    2. When gas was at its all time high, I planned one day to run around and do all errands and chores.
    3. If it was walking sistance I walked. ( grocery store, park, pick up son from school, etc and you're getting your excercise in)
    4. Save Save Save ( for example if my check was $1108.45, i would dep the $1000 into checking acct for bills and the $108.45 into savings, didnt touch it and didnt think about it, before you knew it I had saved enough money for a down payment on my new car or had that emergency fund or when I was short on money for the monthly bills, I knew i had my little stash)
    5. Ad comparison. Im that lady that takes all the weekly ads to walmart and the price match everything. ( this ties in with #1)
    6. Garage Sales. You'd be surprised on how much junk you have that you can sell and get money for.
    7. there are Apps that you can upload onto your phone that the merchants will scan straight from your phone and give you the discount.
    8. Have you tried to refinance your car, the lower rate will get you lower payments.
    9. Shop around on your insurance, cellphone provider etc you'd be surprised on how much money you can save by just shopping the competition. ( threaten that your going to leave and they WILL offer you something cheaper)
    10. I got rid of my cable. With fulltime work, a son and workingout I rarely wathced tv. when i did I was usually watching the same shows. I eventually started to watch them on my laptop online. so i said scew it i dont need to pay $100 on something that i dont use anyways. dont miss it at all!
    11. Do not pay your bills late, so much of your money goes on late fees. I work to hard formy money.

    I dont want to clog up your page with my cheap idea. I guess I have been doin it a while so I have learned the tricks and trades. This in turn has let me live comfortable.
    BTW, I work at a bank making $14.75 an hr. Not alot of money but I learned to budget. When i was living alone My rent was $750, and car payment was $400, insurance was $167 ( for my car and my moms truck, I paid both), student loans from the first time in school $200, cell phone $130 ( again for mine and my moms cell). Those were my biggest bills aside from all the small ones.
  • Ldavies85
    Ldavies85 Posts: 39 Member
    I say live with your parents as long as you can! Save up money to go towards buying your own home and work on paying off all your debt before you leave. It may not sound ideal to stay with your parents, but once you have a mortgage, car payments, credit card debt, and so on, you'll wish you had.

    Just my opinion.