Holding water weight for how long?

I am SO SO upset.

This past Thursday, I went to my first Mixed Martial Arts class, and got my butt kicked (not literally, but in terms of work outs, it was KILLER). I couldn't sit down properly for 3 days, because my quads were so sore. At the same time I was battling a SERIOUSLY sore throat. I couldn't stay on plan...I would wake up at 3:30am, with my throat so swollen that I had to eat some icecream or freezies to bring down the swelling enough that I could manage to swallow the pain pills.

So, needless to say, when the scale went up, between the 2, I figured that I was holding onto water, and it was no big deal. Now it's Wednesday of the next week, and while I still have a cold (snuffly and congested chest), I am fully recovered otherwise, but my scale is still up SEVEN pounds.

While I didn't stay on plan for those 5 days, I can guarantee that I didn't eat enough to gain 7lbs. I lost weight VERY quickly in the previous 2 weeks (13lbs in 2 weeks), and it's very upsetting and discouraging to see the scale still up by so much.

What are the chances that this extra weight may still go away?


  • :smile: Hi! I'm Keri. I'd started "MFP" this monday and love it! Anyway I too am battling water weight.It's so bad that my legs,angels,feet are swollen and at the sametime I have a "CHF" where my body holding so much water causing my heart not to function properly,making me have shortness of breathe shortly before walking anyway.It stinks! But anyway I'm on a water pill that causes you to pee out the excess water inside your body.Now the water pill not a permant thing but it helps me alot and ontop of that have to limit my fliuds daily.That being said my weight does flucuate on a day to day bases.One day i weigh myself and next day I'm 7 lbs heavier.:sad: Hope this helped you!
  • Strivingtochange
    Strivingtochange Posts: 3 Member
    I have the same problem. 1 day I weighed 136.6 and the next I was 140! I've been like this for 2 weeks. I'm not sure if it's because of my period or what. My period is a week late and I feel like a complete failure. I don't feel motivated because I've been like this for so long. I just hope it goes away.
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    I wound not worry about not loosing weight in two weeks even if you are doing everything right.

    You guys/girls need to weight yourself less by the sounds of it.

    Looking at my MFP weight loss chart my weight goes up and down on a daily even weekly basis by up to 6lbs.

    I do my 'official' weight in every Friday morning, but only compare to the months before, if it's less then I am on the right track.

    Also if you are working out you may be putting on muscle mass so it might be worth measuring your waist once every two months.

    My weight often seemed to plato or go up just before it cam off for good.