I need breakfast help

I know there are things I can eat in the morning that will fill me up and keep me full longer. At the moment, I'm eating whole wheat flax toast with peanut butter, scrambled eggs, yogurt with granola for example. But about an hour later, I'm STARVING, my stomach is growling, and want to eat buttery salty foods. I know part of it is craving, but the other part is not a fulfilling enough meal. What are some things I can do to curb those feelings?


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Bacon and egg. Traditional breakfast for a reason.
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    Oatmeal, eggs, avocado and fruit keep me full for a long time.
  • Bean615
    Bean615 Posts: 132 Member
    i usually have a protein shake for breakfast, bc i workout in the morning--but i also eat Vitatops in the morning when i dont workout. i spead some peanut butter on it or some sugar free jelly Polaner which also has some fiber in it. also maybe you should add some more egg, i.e., have 2 eggs 1 egg white.
  • debdeb03
    debdeb03 Posts: 1
    Try something with a lot of fiber because that will keep you feeling full longer. I add fiber powder to my meals sometimes. I also live off of oatmeal with a little bit of brown sugar and vanilla/almond extract for breakfast sometimes. It keeps me going, and if I don't finish the whole bowl then I can put it in the fridge and re-heat it later for when I get that mid-morning craving. Also, when you are getting that craving mid-morning, train yourself to eat something that will be low-cal but keep you full longer. I often will have an apple, or else 1/4 cup of almonds. Almonds are a bit higher in calories for only a 1/4 cup, but I eat them slowly and savor the crunch and flavor. They have tons of great nutrients and keep me going until lunch. One thing I found encouraging was doing a bunch of Google searches on what foods are metabolism boosters. I focused on those and then when I ate one for a mid-morning snack I didn't feel like I was wasting calories. Does that make sense?

    Throw out the buttery salty food, or lock it up and give your neighbor the key, lol. You might also try adding butter flavoring to your foods (McCormick makes a butter extract that works just like vanilla extract, and someone makes a butter flavor powder that is low calorie and packs a lot of flavor. It's great for putting on food for that sauteed taste without the calories, I even use it on my eggs!) Also buy lots of healthy food so it will just stare you in the face when you open the refridgerator! Drives me crazy, but it works. When I open the fridge for an unhealthy snack and stare and the contents I either walk away or I eat something I actually should. If your problem is more along the lines of just going out and buying what you want to when the craving strikes, take a bit of 'snack cash' out and put your wallet away unless you are going shopping for real. Then only use that cash for buying bad food. When it's gone - it's gone.

    You mention cravings - the best way to deal is to resist and replace, don't only resist. Only resisting can work, but it's not as effective.

    Hopefully that helps a bit!
  • RedVelvetCurls
    RedVelvetCurls Posts: 304 Member
    I have some sturdy Weetabix for breakfast, it keeps me going for a couple of hours. Maybe have something that's high in fibre?
  • I have been sticking to one of 2 breakfasts...1 slice of whole grain toast with 1 slice FF cheese, 1 slice chicken bacon, egg whites and mushrooms with a side (1/2c) of mixed berries or whole grain toast with 1T All natural peanut butter and 1/2c mixed berries. I find both of these meals keep me full until luch time. I might also occasionally have 1c of shredded wheat and bran cereal with 1/2 banana and 1/2 cup of skim milk- VERY filling.
  • banffkid
    banffkid Posts: 59
    I eat two hard boiled eggs, only one with Yolk, Whole wheat toast (two slices) and peanut butter! Keeps me full for at least 3 hours and its under 300 calories.
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    Oatmeal's a good one. My mom makes this nontraditional savory oatmeal which is AMAZING and keeps me full for hours. She buys the plain Quaker oats and adds an egg to it and some other things (basically whatever you want). It's low calorie, delicious, and healthy.

    Also, an egg on toast with yogurt and fruit usually keeps me full for a while.

    I'min the same boat as you, where usually I get hungry 1-2 hours later. I always bring a baggie of snacks with me, like a sliced apple or a ziploc of carrots, broccoli, celery,and cucumber.