Help I am new to myfitnesspal

Hello All!
RIght now I am currently 5'5 and 165 lbs. I would like to loose around 35 lbs. I have been on a diet for 2 weeks now. I started using myfitnesspal on monday. I weighed myself today and noticed I have not loss one single pound in 2 weeks. I have been eating much healthier and have been walking/jogging for one hour everyday. I noticed that after I put in a new exercise my calories for the day increase on myfitnesspal. Does this mean I have to eat more when I exercise? Its a bit confusing to me because I have been eating less and exercising more. I'm starting to lose my motivation. :cry:


  • Chellebell10
    HI! I know it can be very dissapointing when you work so hard and the results are just happening the way you want them too. But don't give up! Maybe you could try a different type of workout routine. For example, you should try an interval workout where you get your heart rate way up there and then you take a 30 second rest and repeat. By doing that, you will burn more calories and get in shape faster. But don't stop working out, no matter what you do it's better than sitting on the couch.

    For the food part, I would review what you are eating. It is awesome that you are eating healtheir, but maybe you still need some easy changes in your diet to help that weight come off faster. I stick to egg whites, lean meats such as tuna and chicken, lots of vegetables some fruits, oatmeal, whole wheat and so on. Even if you can fit sweets into your diet without going over your calorie budget, it still may be stopping you from losing the weight because of the sugar. Try to stick to more natural foods if possible. If you crave something sweet, I always reach for natural peanut butter, yum!

    What ever you do, don't give up because if you do you will only be upset with yourself in the future. KEEP GOING. You can do this, if your doing everything right, eventually the weight will come off, remember slow and steady wins the race. Plus, even if you don't lose weight and you can still tell a difference in the way you look, then you are doing everything right!

    Good luck to you! :)
  • mchristians
    Keep going, it will get easier! It took me 2 months for my scale to move. Try not to focus on the number of the scale, but how you feel and who knows maybe you are losing inches. Find positive people on MFP who will be encouraging you and support you on your journey! Good luck! :smile:
  • MillerCrock
    MillerCrock Posts: 20 Member
    Have you been clicking on the "complete todays entry" at the bottom of your food page? It will tell you what you will weigh in 5 weeks if every day is like the logged day you just entered. There are also age and fitness levels that affect everything. Rule of thumb keep the calories you consume les than the calories you burn. Sometimes muscle gain keeps wt loss down (muscle weighs more than fat.) Try measurments to see if problem areas are shrinking. And remember it will take almost as long to lose those pounds as it took to gain them. You need to get in for 'the long haul"
  • Jkc9059
    Jkc9059 Posts: 151 Member
    You have to eat more when you are exercising to lose weight. Keep working though and you will see results!
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    I'm the worst offender of this, but try not to concern yourself with the numbers SO much. The numbers don't always change b/c the fat is replaced by increased muscle. The best determining factor is simply how your clothes fit AND how you feel. Also, try taking pictures regularly (weekly, monthly, depending on how aggressive you want to be.)

    There are a lot of people on here that will inspire you to keep going, and try and have a friend or family member reach goals with you. I really enjoy recipe and workout swapping with my friends and love trying new stuff.

    If you're on facebook, look for a group called "Fitness Finatics" (yes, "finatics" is misspelled - it's not my group!!) It was started by a girl I went to high school with who lost 100lbs. She has a great story, and all the members are "regular" people. Not at all intimidating and they all feel free to share stories of success as well as failure.

    Good luck!!