Beginner strength training at home - what to buy?

bizorra Posts: 151 Member
I would like to start strength training at home and invest in some basic equipment that both my husband and I could use. I'm just not sure what wold be best to start with. After a quick recon trip to a big-box store, it looks like I have the following options.
- resistance band set ($25)
- individual dumbbells (~$1/pound)
- adjustable dumbbells (5-25 range, 2.5lb increments, $90 each)

Or maybe I should just save my money and keep doing pushups (been following the program for a few weeks now) and add squats and dips.

I also have an outdoor gym across the street from me - the equipment looks like what you would find in a gym but you're lifting your own body weight. Downside to this is its not exactly usable in winter...

My goal is get stronger as I lose weight. I do a decent amount of cardio (jogging, biking) but I feeel so weak when it comes to my upper body!

Any tips for books/websites/youtube videos/DVDs/video games that focus on strength at home would also be appreciated... a few book titles get recommended often on here but I get the impression they focus on working out at a gym.



  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    I say save your money until you build up strength for heavier weights both you and your hubby can use, don't invest in 2/3lb weights and such. I do suggest the adjustable dumbells since they come in handy for upper body work as well as added resistance to your squats, and lunges and both of you can change up the amount of weight.
    I like to go to becuase it's a 12min. home workout, it's FREE and it's tough enough to keep increasing your strength and you won't get bored since these are live videos posted by the trainers, not the same old workout from a DVD that you bought and do day after day. Don't be intimidated by their bodies, think of it as a goal to reach their level. Another good things is they always emphasize modifications for beginners, different equipment (you dont need to use what they use) etc. Good luck on finding what works for you :happy:
  • cohophysh
    cohophysh Posts: 288
    I would say check your local Goodwill or thrift shop for weights and what not. I am going to see if I can find a decent barbell.
  • cakramer75
    cakramer75 Posts: 10

    This is a link to a great arms workout that just uses dumbbells and body weight. Love this blog.
  • Javajunkie67
    Javajunkie67 Posts: 167 Member
    Don't forget to check craigslist! I got a starter set someone was getting rid of for $150-bench included and in good shape.
  • RenfieldX
    RenfieldX Posts: 87 Member
    Since starting to get back in shape, I've been doing bodyweight exercises, and have been getting excellent results. The only piece of exercise equipment that I'm currently using is a pull-up bar.

    There's plenty of good resources out there to get you started with bodyweight exercises. A friend lent me 'You Are your own Gym' by Mark Lauren to get me going.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Well to throw some cliche's "right tool for the right job" and "you get out what you put in" If you really want to get into it then get a power rack with pull up bar and preferably dip station attachments, an adjustable bench with wheels, an oly bar, and weight plates. Do a good beginner lifting routine. You can find a couple of them along with a ton of info on gaining muscle\strength and losing fat etc. in this link
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I would definitely skip out on the 90 dollar dumbbells that only go up to 25 pounds. they will be pretty useless after a while.

    Save up and get an olympic weight set, a power rack, and a bench. You can do pretty much anything with those.
    Check craigslist. I got my gym started for about 250 dollars.
  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks for all the great tips!
    I check kijiji regularly (constantly..) but nothing really interesting has come up recently.

    I'll see the the Mark Lauren book is at the library and check out these websites.

    One question about the adjustable weights... When you increase weight what interval do you tend to increase by? By 2lbs? Or 5lbs? I have 5lb weights now, and at my estimate of $1/pound I could by 2x10, 15, 20, 25 for $140, and spend the money gradually, vs spending $180 for the adjustable ones all at once.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Thanks for all the great tips!
    I check kijiji regularly (constantly..) but nothing really interesting has come up recently.

    I'll see the the Mark Lauren book is at the library and check out these websites.

    One question about the adjustable weights... When you increase weight what interval do you tend to increase by? By 2lbs? Or 5lbs? I have 5lb weights now, and at my estimate of $1/pound I could by 2x10, 15, 20, 25 for $140, and spend the money gradually, vs spending $180 for the adjustable ones all at once.

    It depends on the lifts, and how fast your strength progresses.
    That's why I'd suggest an olympic weight set, then investing in olympic dumbbell handles that are plate loadable. you can adjust them easily.