200 to 400 calories over every day!

Hello! I am new to myfitnesspal and diet and exercise. I am sticking to 5 days a week of aerobic exercise. I have only made it a week. I am regularly going over my calories by 200-400 calories. Is this really bad? Is 1200 calorie base too low? I did get on the scale and I had lost 2 lbs this week, but today I had gained 3 lbs back! So frustrated. Any advice?


  • girlonabikedc
    girlonabikedc Posts: 111 Member
    Are you going over because you are hungry? Bored? Habit?

    If you open up your food diary, maybe we can make some suggestions. Be sure to include your stats (height, weight, lifestyle activity-sedentary, lightly active or very active).
  • hippietofugirl
    First of all, your weight is going to fluctuate a lot, so I wouldn't worry too much. You have to eat something like 3,500 calories over what you need to gain a lb and I doubt you did.

    Secondly, 1200 is not too low AS LONG AS you are eating back all of your exercise calories. So if you are eating 1200 calories, and burning 200-400 calories in exercise, then it sounds like you are hitting your target anyway
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    1200 is not too low AS LONG AS you are eating back all of your exercise calories. So if you are eating 1200 calories, and burning 200-400 calories in exercise, then it sounds like you are hitting your target anyway

  • watermstry
    watermstry Posts: 41 Member
    I just started MFP as well and have gone over calories every day, but less and less every day. I am going to give myself time to get used to things before I get frustrated. I would be patient with yourself. Also, I am going to buy a food scale, because I think I underestimate portion sizes.
  • hippietofugirl
    I just started MFP as well and have gone over calories every day, but less and less every day. I am going to give myself time to get used to things before I get frustrated. I would be patient with yourself. Also, I am going to buy a food scale, because I think I underestimate portion sizes.

    UM YEAH! I learned that the hard way. I ate a large sweet potato every day with my lunch and didn't weigh it, just logged it in as MFP's "large baked sweet potato - 180 cals. Then when I got a food scale, I realized that my average sweet potatoes were around 400 calories. YIKES. Now I weigh EVERYTHING, and I've started losing weight again.
  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    You can eat your exercise calories you know? Also you need to try and throw in some strength training with your cardio :)
  • vegasmari
    vegasmari Posts: 120 Member
    I agree it all depends on what you're eating. My daily allowance of calories is 1300, but when I workout (cardio & strength), I'm allowed to eat closer to 1600 a day. Try a lot of healthy snacking throughout the day, you won't be able to eat larger meals. Looking at your food diary would make it easier. Feel free to add me :)
  • mmsommie
    mmsommie Posts: 14
    Okay my food diary is open!
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    just took a look at your diary, and i am by no means an expert, but this is what i see....its your snacks that are getting you...go back and look at the snacks and alcohol, subtract those out and you are under your calories every time. Now, i love my snacks and my alcohol so i do thiss anyway, but if you are worried about whats going on, that would be my guess, try to pick healthier snacks, fruits/veggies or maybe more protein to your meals so taht you are not feeling the need to have the snacks.

    What i will tell you is that looking back at my diary from over a year ago when i started, it looked very similar, i tracked everything but it wasnt good for me stuff, granted it still isnt always, but over time as i continued to be committed, there were less bags of chips and dinners out and more veggies and dinners in, when i first started out i would go to the gym and burn 200 calories..that was a big deal to me, go me, now i regulalry burn 400-500 calories. these are baby steps, you will be amazed if you stick with it how your diary and tastes change over time. Good luck to you!

    Also, it is highly doubtful you lost two and gained 3 in that amount of time, weights do fluctuate, that is why it is advisable to only weigh once a week, or only "count" it once a week and absolutely take measurements-they tell you so much more. Also, make sure that you are being realistic, if you have it set to lose 2 lbs per week which is why you have the 1200 calorie limit and you have never watched your food before, that is a HUGE adjustment, start with only .5lbs a week or 1 lb a week and work your way down, you will feel better about your successes and stick with it.

    Good luck to you!
  • mmsommie
    mmsommie Posts: 14
    Thank you so much for the help Tara. I am just starting on diet and exercise and I really thought that any effort would show great improvement, lol. And a lot of effort would be miraculous! Guess not. I will continue to try and I WILL PREVAIL!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I wouldn't be surprised if at least part of your weight increase is due to sodium/water retention. It looks like you mostly eat restaurant/prepared foods and all of that has a TON of sodium. It helps if you offset by drinking more water. Make sure you get at least the recommended 8, more on the days you're active and eat high sodium foods. This helps flush out the excess.

    For me, anytimre we have thai, chinese or pizza for dinner, it takes at least 3 days until my weight is back to normal again - all that sodium is a killer!
  • giftieetcetera
    giftieetcetera Posts: 96 Member
    1,200 is very drastic if you are just starting. Also, your diary shows a lot of food that isn't really satisfying. You must feel starving! No wonder you are going over.

    Why not set your goal at 1,400, plus whatever you earn with exercise, and use fruits and veggies and lean proteins to get that extra 200 - 400 a day? Once you get used to eating more fiber and protein, you can probably cut calories easier without being so hungry.
  • mmsommie
    mmsommie Posts: 14
    It is pretty tough. I work at the Olive Garden, lol. Thanx for the help. I will watch it more closely.
  • mmsommie
    mmsommie Posts: 14
    Yes, yes I am starving!
  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    1200 calories can be really tough at first. I started out there, and thought there was no way I could do it, so I upped to 1400. However, now that I've been at 1400 for two months and have started eating healthier, I sometimes find myself at the end of the day at around the 1200 mark, or sometimes even less. And I'm stuffed! If you are eating cleaner (i.e. lean meats, vegetables, fruit), you'd be surprised how much you can eat for 1200 calories. However, it does require a change in your eating habits, and some time to get accustomed to paying attention to calories. You learn to "eat this, not that" and make better food choices, yet still feel perfectly satisfied. That said, 1200 is really hard when you want to add in alcohol and sweets.