10 pounds to lose ...

scgoldman Posts: 3 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I just joined this site, and have about 10 lbs. to lose. It's tough! Is anyone here in the same boat, starting out with about that much to lose or within 10 lbs. of their goal? Please let me know, it's a tough stretch!


  • Hi, I just joined and my 30 day goal is 15 lbs. I am determined to meet my goal with lots of hard work and a change in my eating habits. We will meet our goals!
  • Yes, I am on the last stretch of my weight/fat loss, with MAYBE 12 more lbs. to lose. I say that because I have been weight training since July and have completely transformed my body by building muscle, which in turn revs up your metabolism and melts the fat off your body. I weigh more than if my goal was simply "weight" loss because muscle is denser and weighs more than fat--BUT it takes up less space, and I'm into the clothes size I was before I needed to lose the weight! If you lose any more than 2 lbs. per week, you are losing fat, water, AND muscle--which you do NOT want to lose! Muscle IS your metabolism. Any more weight loss than that, and you are begging for the yo-yo dieting syndrome because the weight lost will have included muscle, and you will have to eat fewer calories than before you started just to maintain that new weight loss. Most people cannot do this, return to their "normal" eating patterns and gain the weight back within a short amount of time, and THEN some! Please go to bodybuilding.com for some really good articles on how to tone up and lose fat. They use sound principles, and your body will look and feel great! Those last ten pounds can be the hardest, but it CAN be done! We'll do this together! I'm a weight-lifter for life, and I look and feel better than I ever have before and no longer feel the need to lose a certain amount of weight, just lose a little more fat off my muscles and see the muscle definition I'm after. Good luck....and more power to you!!

    ....I must also add that I eat very clean 6 days a week, with a splurge meal once a week, drink a gallon of water per day, take a good multivitamin, and additional supplements, which you can also learn about at bodybuilding.com.
  • I'm doing the 10 pound thing...Really trying to do it with the added workout and not a whole lot of change to my diet and it's going pretty well so far. Good luck!!!
  • scgoldman
    scgoldman Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Well, I ate pretty much what I wanted yesterday, without going for seconds, and slept in a bit before weighing myself. And I lost! Don't know if it's a permanent downward trend, but I hope so. I have a big exam today, and will try to go jogging afterward on the school's indoor track. Wish me luck, and good luck to you all too!
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    Hi there!
    I also have about 10lbs to go, I cant believe it!!!
    Ive been dragging these last 10-15 lbs for about 6 months, after I hit my last goal, and so its definately just been so slowwww because I lost motivation when I started to feel good about myself. But recently kicked it into high gear and determined to get the rest off!!
    I started out two weeks ago with about 15 to go and have lost about 6 of the lbs so I think I have 9 or so to go?? Ive never been this small before so Im not sure of my exact goal but Im trying to stay motivated!!
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