My Confession

Hi. First time posting here and it's time for a confession. For 20 years, yes 20, I've been a vegetarian (well, technically a pescatarian, as I do eat some fish). No red meat, no white meat, nothing, nada, zilch, zippo. The funny part is that I first became a vegetarian because I saw the movie Babe and all of a sudden I connected feelings and personalities with animals (except fish - not in the movie :)) and I couldn't eat them anymore! HA! What a dork. Anyways, I have never minded cooking meat for my family or handling it but the thought of eating it just NEVER appealed to me, nor did I crave it in any way shape or form. I'm not some diehard "I don't eat animals!" person, I just never felt the need for the meat. Fast forward to the last month. (I feel sad just writing this!!). I have had three kids, ages 4, 6, and 8 and have always had an easy time keeping my weight down. I'm 5'2" and am usually between 110 and 113. Well, I finally have found time to start working out, between work and kids it hasn't been easy! So, as soon as I start working out (mostly resistance, walking, and Insanity), I start gaining weight. Like 4 - 5 pounds in 2 weeks. What?? I thought working out was supposed to help me drop weight! And I was I ate more veggies, beans, fish, etc. trying to still eat good but fill myself up. (Side note, I do pretty low-carb - no bread etc. Most carbs just through veggies/beans/etc.). No dice, weight keeps coming on, still hungry. So, after reading a bunch on MFP about the amazing lean, healthy people on here, I decide to EAT CHICKEN. I feel like Kristen Stewart cheating on Rob Pattinson just saying that. I feel like everything I've done the past 20 years is down the drain. But you know what? I FEEL AMAZING. I've dropped 4 pounds in 3 days, I'm not hungry anymore and I have energy. So, I'm not sure what to make of this but I know it's working and I know I feel good and am dropping weight again. There you have it, I'm a cheater. Now I just have to fess up to my family - and I'll never hear the end of it! For now, sneaking chicken breast will be the name of the game. Call me the closet carnivore. Thanks for listening.


  • Laurie061273
    Were you strictly veggie-saurus or did you dabble in Boca / Morning Star / Amy's?
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    You don't have to prove yourself to anyone. It isn't like you returned to eating meat after one day.

    I would just embrace your new decision and carry on without shame, if you are ok with it now..then who cares?

    Tons of people eat it and love it.

    All the best :)
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Wow, that is along time without eaing chicken. Hamburger, i could definitally understand. Lol. I think its awesome that you were open minded to give it a try!
  • jkr12
    jkr12 Posts: 31
    Good for you for not being afraid of change!
  • kiwikuchenvogel
    Maybe it would help you to feel a little bit better if you would buy chicken or meat that comes from local farms or is at least not bred in mass farms.
    Makes me always feel better about eating meat. :)
  • shoes_4_me
    shoes_4_me Posts: 19 Member
    I did veggie burgers, soy bacon, etc. Love that stuff - so yummy!
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Here is how I look at it. We have incisor teeth, which evolved to cut meat. So while we are omnivores who can consume a variety of foods, we evolved (or were designed depending our your point of view) to eat meat.
  • LaurySch
    LaurySch Posts: 277 Member
    I won't judge you for enjoying a nice piece of chicken if you don't judge me for hating on soy! I love me a good veggie burger, but if I had to give up my medium well steak I'd lose it! Hats off to you for sticking to the veggie diet for reasons that make sense and then being open to change because that makes sense as well. I've been a processed-food-etarian for so long that I find it really hard to get more greens and healthy natural foods into my diet - but I do pride myself on a recently acquired tendency to try something before I wrinkle up my nose in disgust!
  • lauren3382
    lauren3382 Posts: 372 Member
    Welcome to the omnivore club!!!! Your comparison to Kristen cheating on Rob had me rolling! :laugh:
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I commend you for trying something different, 20 years is a long time to make and maintain such a large lifestyle change. And I am also glad you feel better. Your family should not give you trouble about this. You are afterall trying to be healthy, and its not like you were a vegetarian for a month or something. You gave your body what it was telling you that it needed and you should feel good about that.
  • laurie0507
    laurie0507 Posts: 92 Member
    If you FEEL good then that's all that matters. It's our right to grow and change and along with that our eating habits change as well.
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    As a vegan I think it's a shame, and I don't see how eating meat will be connected to weight loss or feeling better (unless you were lacking in things you didn't take care of as a vegetarian), but whatever you think is best for you! :)
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    If you are still concerned, then try to find that protein boost from other sources. I see you eat beans, etc etc. Maybe you need to eat more from another source. Would you eat eggs? I don't eat red meat but about once every 6-8 weeks I get a terrible craving for a hamburger. Specifically from Red Robin (terrible I know). So I eat one and life continues. But, it isn't a moral/ethical/personal choice or issue for me... I do not eat red meat for digestion reasons. Have you spoken to your doctor or dietician for suggestions?
  • Bevbl3
    Bevbl3 Posts: 39 Member
    I was vegetarian (didn't even eat fish) for 15 years from age 18 to 33 but now i like my steaks rare! Don't feel bad about it - enjoy it - you already feel better for it!

    People always asked what tempted me back but it wasn't any food in particular - i just got fed up - bored of having limited choice and being the odd one out at a dinner party.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    Why did God put chickens and cows on this earth? Because they are delicious! :)
  • jennnnn2u
    jennnnn2u Posts: 133
    As someone who can't comprehend how anyone could live without it, I believe that all vegetarians secretly love meat. LOL

    Seriously though, don't beat yourself up. It's your life, your health, you weight, and your choice. Feel free to stay in or come out of the closet at your own pace, just know that no matter what you will not be judged here!

    Good luck with your loss!
  • Tracy_03311981
    I tried the whole vegetarian thing when I was a teenager, and I actually got sick because I wouldn't eat beans and I obviously wasn't eating I went back to eating meat.
    There is nothing wrong with what you are doing, I am not a foodie per say but apparently there is something in meat (perhaps a different kind of protein) that is helping you to lose.
    I agree with a couple of others if it makes you feel better eat chicken that is organic, comes from humane farms and isn't full of chemicals and hormones.
    I personally love my meat, but I also try to eat from places that don't mass product i.e. factory farms.
    Your body obviously likes the change so keep it up and don't feel bad....good luck with your fitness journey :)
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    As someone who can't comprehend how anyone could live without it, I believe that all vegetarians secretly love meat. LOL

    Not all vegetarians/vegans secretly love meat... I love 'meat' on the animal when they're still alive (; but each to their own.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    -hiding- This makes me want to try to eat some chicken.. I don't eat meat anymore, and haven't since I moved out of my parents' house, except a few times a year, but.. I just hate all the chewing, and the taste, and it's expensive, and it goes bad, and I don't know how to cook it, and.. -rambles on-
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    -hiding- This makes me want to try to eat some chicken.. I don't eat meat anymore, and haven't since I moved out of my parents' house, except a few times a year, but.. I just hate all the chewing, and the taste, and it's expensive, and it goes bad, and I don't know how to cook it, and.. -rambles on-

    Did you go vegetarian for moral or health reasons (or both?) I don't understand how someone can abandon their morals just for a taste based decision, but that's just me.