My Confession



  • kaigausista
    kaigausista Posts: 62 Member
    Our body is a mystery, i mean you eat so healthy with lots of vegetables plus exercise (with insanity phew) and still gained. Then you started eating chicken and bam you lost 4lbs in 3 days. Just when we thought we know everything there is to know about how the human body works and something like this happens. People lose weight with low carb diets and also lose weight with high carb diets. Some eat anything and still lose weight. The best way to explain this is that everybody is different and what works for someone may not necessarily work for me. So just do what works for you!
  • kmeredith82
    kmeredith82 Posts: 5 Member
    wow, 20 years is a long time! i did not eat meat for 6 years, but like someone else mentioned above, found that i was really limited on my food choices (esp when i went to college and ate at the dining hall), so i slowly started eating meat again. i've found that i actually eat better now than i did when i was a vegetarian because i would tend to overeat some of the less healthy sides.