Starting Brazil Butt Lift on July 30



  • britneyy32
    britneyy32 Posts: 97 Member
    I did that for a month but I didn't really see any results.. I think it improved my butt slightly though. I think it's because I wasn't doing the moves very effectively and I just flopped around most of the time because the workouts are soo hard for me to keep up with.. At least the cardio ones, but I eventually started to get better at them. I think I'll also see better results if I did it for about 3 months continuously, which I'm
    Planning on doing again soon. After this week I'm going to start it again & get my exercise plan back on track.. Cause it got all messed up thanks to school consuming all of my time. But yeah I hope I will get really good results if I keep up with it, I desperately want a perfect butt!
  • kellimellema
    kellimellema Posts: 8 Member
    I started Monday, July 23rd. I'm in a small BBL challenge group for 30 days, once a week we meet to work out together, other than that we are on our own. After the first two days my inner and outer legs as well as my bum were all sore. I have some weight to lose so I'm also doing some cardio too, either Zumba or 30 minutes of bike riding each day. Also bought the shakeology for a month. The shakes are not bad. I took before photo's and hope to have some progress at the end of 30 or 60 days. I look forward to keeping up with everyone. Feel free to friend me for accountability.
  • Chandibari
    Chandibari Posts: 13 Member
    I'm three weeks in and I love it! My body is tighter all over but I'm not doing the meal plan so I'm not really losing pounds. My only problem is the two-a-days...with two small kids and a full time job, I'm up extra early to do a morning routine but can't always get around to an evening routine that requires me to be in front of the TV. But I bought a monokini this week and I'm SOOO proud of how milfy I am!
  • kittybear86
    kittybear86 Posts: 341 Member
    I've started the BBL program on July 16,and want to see results by my birthday(which is in October).I also do extra cardio such as jogging.I do the pear solution because of my bigger lower half,and I really want to tone that down.For me,it might take a bit longer,but I'll stick with it because anything to wear short shorts :) I am glad that you want to do this,the BBL program is awesome.Feel free to add me.
  • Sorry I've been absent from him for a couple of days, but my grandfather passed away Sunday night, and it's thrown me for a loop. I love reading about your results so far and the excitement from all of you. I have 4 more days of ChaLean Extreme and then I get to start BBL. I can't wait! I've lost almost 30 pounds and 20+ inches since November, but I still need to lose inches and tone my hips, buns and thighs.

    I can't wait to get started with all of you!

    (If you know someone who you think would like to try this program, Team Beachbody has a special trial pack through the end of July where you can try it for 30 days FREE (just pay $14.95 S&H + tax) and try Shakeology). It's risk-free for them to try it. Have them message me, and I can help them.)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I just got mine. I started the other day, but haven't gotten a chance to continue. I'm still weaning and I'm not always able to get into my sports bra comfortably. I'm only pumping once a day now (but still getting 18 ounces of milk), so I'm hoping to be completely finished really soon so that I can really get into a good exercise routine!
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Count me in! I bought the program several months ago and have yet to use it! So July 30 is the start date right? I am going to a beach house in Savannah GA in sept. with some high school girlfriends and I want to look a whole lot better than I do right now by then!
  • Started yesterday, but I'm in!

    But I will be 5 days ahead!
  • Well, tell us what you thought about it and how well you did......
  • I thought it was awesome!
    Certain moves really do target your bum and legs!
    Haha it's great.
    And i don't feel like I HAVE to wake up every morning to do it, I wake up morning because I WANT to do it.

    And I thought I done pretty good, I was doing the level two moves (advanced) and I was pushing myself to finish off certain moves.
  • I can't wait! That makes me even more excited!
  • I would like to join your group. I will start the program either Sunday or monday.
  • I would like to join your group. I will start the program either Sunday or monday.

    I would love to have you join us. My plan was to start Monday, but due to having some tests run, I will be starting Wednesday. Please post your daily results in here so we can see what you think. Welcome!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    I am still in just got sidetracked moving our location at work, trust and believe I am getting one heck of a work out :)
  • Today I did day 1 of the pear shape workout! Off to a good start. :)
  • britneyy32
    britneyy32 Posts: 97 Member
    So I started it up again today and it really kicked my butt. I have been eating horribly and not exercising at all recently so I have gotten kind of out of shape so I could barely keep up with it and I kept having to stop and I felt like I was going to pass out! So I definitely did not give it my all today but I'm sure I will get used to it again soon though. I just have to get back into my healthy life style of exercising and eating right. I really dread doing it though, I really hate it lol but I am determined to keep up with it since I really think it will give me good results if I stick with it.
  • So I did day 2 which was cardio axe and the abs workout. It was tough but good. :)
  • After reading all your comments, I am so ready to get started today! I'll be back later today to share my experience :)
  • Sorry forgot to post yesterday. I did the Bum bum video and swam for about 20 minutes.
  • sarasci
    sarasci Posts: 4
    Just got my DVDs yesterday, I'm starting on the 6th and will be a week behind. My roommates were kinda interested in doing it with me, but I don't want them to be my sole source of accountability for sticking with this. Trying the diet part of the Slimdown now while I ease myself back into regular cardio with "Pooch to 5k" training for me an my dog. Debating whether to do the "Too Big" or the "Combination", but strongly leaning towards the "Too Big". I have thunderous thighs and have been genetically gifted with loads of cellulite in both my *kitten* and thighs, but I pass the pencil test so if anyone of a similar body type has some input I'd appreciate it....I'll post "Before" measurements when I start :)