rookie on here...

Hey All...
I'm new to this whole website and just seeing whats out there. I have struggled with my weight my entire life, but within the last two years it got out of control. I was in nursing school and had to worst study/snacking habits EVER. I had a less then supportive boyfriend and that didn't help anything.
Well now that I've graduated and dumped the boy I want to get my life back under control. I'd like to start with losing the weight I gained while in school.
My doctor suggested Weight Watchers but that didn't work before so I thought I would try this instead. I really enjoy reading everyones success stories on here! Can't wait till I can take some sweet after pictures =)


  • Ms2sweet
    Ms2sweet Posts: 4 Member
    I am new to this site as well. However, not so new to weight-loss, and weight maint thing... I've been doing that for years!

    I used to be 237lbs!

    I started my weight loss journy back in 2004!

    Good Luck!