How to stay on track during 4 day group travel?

I am going on a four day pigrimage with a group from my church. I think I will end up off my diet at least some but I will try to be reasonable about it so that I don't sabatoge myself and cancel out the little bit of progress I have made the last few weeks. we will be packing coolers with our own food and snacks, but I was told we will be eating out at least two meals and one meal will be a group camping/bbq meal, where someone is making ribs for the dinner. We are all supposed to bring something to share for that ribs meal. I know ribs will extreemly tempting and high calorie and high fat. My daughter wants me to bring stuff for smore's. We will staying at a camp ground in the Sand Dunes and making day trips to nearby points of religious intrest, such as the oldest Catholic Church in Colorado. Any tips on avoiding the temptation to go overboard during this four day trip? Specific travel foods I should bring along? I plan on bringing lots of fruit and stuff to make sandwiches, as well as a case of water. What else?


  • There is an upside to the travel arangments. There will be some hikeing involved with one of the outings and the lodge we will be staying at has a swimming pool.