Any guys looking for accountability?

My wife and I are working on getting healthy and she suggested this site. I have been using it for about 2 weeks now and find it very helpful in keeping track of everything. Its like a game to me to try and beat my goal numbers everyday. I am noticing there are not to many men on here so its hard to relate to alot of the conversation. Any guys looking for some motivation and accountability? I am ready to work! I am at 300 lbs looking to lose around 80. I am 6 foot 2 inches and big framed. I was pretty mean and lean about 8 years ago in college at 235 lbs so I want to get back to that and see what happens from there. Ready to burn those calories and get this thing going!


  • slmontes
    slmontes Posts: 1
    Hey there I wish you the best on your goal. I as well have used this tool for a couple of months for accountability; it’s a good tool for sure. Though last week I gained and I know I did not cheat, but I keep going forward!!
  • Brent_J
    Brent_J Posts: 54
    You and me are pretty much the same. I'm trying to get from 305 (current weight) down to around 220. That's the long term goal. The short term goal is to get to 260-270. For now, all I'm trying to do is hit my number every day.
    My wife and I are working on getting healthy and she suggested this site. I have been using it for about 2 weeks now and find it very helpful in keeping track of everything. Its like a game to me to try and beat my goal numbers everyday. I am noticing there are not to many men on here so its hard to relate to alot of the conversation. Any guys looking for some motivation and accountability? I am ready to work! I am at 300 lbs looking to lose around 80. I am 6 foot 2 inches and big framed. I was pretty mean and lean about 8 years ago in college at 235 lbs so I want to get back to that and see what happens from there. Ready to burn those calories and get this thing going!
  • gregmiddag
    gregmiddag Posts: 25 Member
    Hey guys good to meet you. slmontes perhaps gaining muscle? Do you lift much? Could be water to from a sudden increase in sodium intake. I usually weight and measure Saturday morning so i try t keep sodium low on Fridays :)

    Good luck fellas looking forward to helping each other out
  • gregmiddag
    gregmiddag Posts: 25 Member
    past two weeks i have lost 8 lbs and have been doing pretty well over all with eating. So fa this thing works pretty well. Shared my diary
  • kevinwk
    kevinwk Posts: 77
    Welcome to the site and feel free to add me. I'm on fairly consistently since March 2012. I do find the motivation and logging helps immensely and the accountability to someone else also helps. Myself I am looking to get down to 205-210 at this point, maybe less.
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    OMG! You look exactly like my little brother! Only he lost a bunch of weight with P90X. But when he was heavier, you guys could be twins. I seriously had to look closely at your picture to be sure it wasn't him.
  • jimgatewood
    jimgatewood Posts: 86 Member
    My wife and I both use MFP and have really had a good time with it. It's much easier and a lot more fun if you have a buddy to participate with. Attitude is the number one tool for losing weight. Then simply control your calories, eat adequate nutrients, and eat a huge amount of fibrous veggies and fruits every day. You've got the good attitude...the rest will happen for you I'm sure.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Welcome to the site. The ladies definitely outnumber the guys but there are a lot of us on here. Feel free to add me.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Hey man, we're similar with stats and goals! I'd love to have another friend to help keep me accountable!
  • wazjoe
    wazjoe Posts: 20
    Feel free to add me also. My longterm goal is 200 but my main goal is 230-240. Got about 90-100 lbs to go.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    my starting numbers were about the same but my goal is a little higher, altho i don't really have a goal, just kinda want to see what i look like at a certain weight.

    have used this site since february alone, added some friends for the first time. gonna send a request to you, if i can figure out how... need some big boned guys who can relate to me...

    good luck.
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member
    Feel free to add me as well, if you wish. Accountable people are always welcomed!
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    Hello. Feel free to add. I have been on consistently for quite a while now, recording everything every day religiously! I was already well on my way to a healthier me when I found this site and was actually using another, but MFP has been awesome! Great tool and an even greater group of friends all looking for motivation and giving motivation. Good luck!!
  • 1960HikerDude
    1960HikerDude Posts: 215 Member
    I've been on for almost 2 months. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Salasel
    Salasel Posts: 69 Member

    Started at 253 110 days later im 226 pounds my goal is to get down to a stacked 190 pounds. This site is great both me and my fiance use it. Feel free to add me
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    Oops, misread this. Thought it was for guys looking for an accountant. Haha, just kidding. I've been pretty successful at maintaining a decent weight loss. Feel free to add me for ideas/support.
  • smhammons
    smhammons Posts: 115 Member
    There are a lot of men here that use it.... I have been here since Feburary and it has been the easiest and most effective way ever for me to lose the weight. My goal I first set was to hit 200 now that I am 14 pounds from that I will change to a new goal of 180. Remember its not all about the weight but about your health and fitness and that is something I belive once I do hit my goal weight I will be here indefinitly to maintain and hopfully inspire others for I am slowly gaining a new family to be accountable too. You and anyone else that would like to add me go ahead I am here everyday..
  • Add me guys...I'm always trying to help others.
  • ChappyEight
    ChappyEight Posts: 163 Member
    You're welcome to add me as well. I'm a bit smaller framed but still looking to lose quite a bit. Then start packing on some muscle.
  • Larence
    Larence Posts: 37 Member
    I agree with you, not enough males to relate too.