almost 50, fat and healthy HELP



  • Nan_
    Nan_ Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome! I am in my early 50's and determined to age gracefully and to be fit and able to go for a walk or move around without having to blame "old age," lol!

    I lost 25 pounds on MFP before and then injured my back and put it all back on again because I couldn't exercise at first and wasn't careful with my eating habits.

    . Now I'm recovered and in the process of trying to lose it again. I would love for you to friend me and we will encourage one another! Losing weight is much easier with some friends along the way to keep us laughing, motivated and accountable, right?
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    Hey hun I started this journey at 200lbs and now down 29lbs. If I can do it anyone can. Feel free to add me if you need extra support from someone who has been there
  • Nskye001
    Nskye001 Posts: 2
    Hi there! I'm new on MFP too. I'm a 46 year old woman, am 5'7", and I weigh 270 lbs down from my highest of 300 lbs. And I totally understand how you feel. I am on a quest to get fit, too. One step at a time. It's nice to "meet" you!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I'm in my fifties and can tell you it IS possible to succeed in finding the solution to eating healthy. This is a great site with wonderful support, and it's been proven that (1) support and (2) recording everything you eat leads to weight loss. When you get to a certain age one realizes that if we can't make time to eat right, someday we'll have to make time for being sick. Good luck!
  • kateblue72
    kateblue72 Posts: 113
    I joined mfp just after my 51st birthday. I too had done the WW thing, and had lost ... only to regain, as I waited for 18 months for knee surgery. As I healed last fall, tried WW again, with very little success. The new points system with free fruits and veggies didn't seem to work for me, yet did make me aware of healthier eating. Was it possible to eat too many fruits? perhaps, I think yes, everything in moderation. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. With mfp I can read others diaries and come up with food plans, I get the scale and measuring spoons out regularily. I am trying to eat 'cleaner', and utilize the low glycemic index principles. I have always seen that if I lower my bread intake, that the weight either stays off and/or starts to go back down. So far, it is all working, and that's what it takes. A combo of knowledge, yet experimentation I think. Welcome to mfp & good luck. Feel free to add me as a friend ...... sometimes my tracking diligence lacks here, but I try to read posts to be there for you:smile:
  • Hi Sue,

    Just wanted to encourage you! I joined this month too! I think recording my daily calorie intake, and my daily exercises will keep me on track! Two days ago, I weighed in at 168, and this morning at 165.6 lbs. I know I won't see those results constantly...but it's encouraging for a start! I added daily exercises...using my treadmill alternating a brisk walk to a slow jog. I also love my mini trampoline...less impact on my feet, knees and ankles. I will do weight training w/ dumb bells, but it's best to start out slow, then add to your daily exercise routine.

    It's great to have a support group, or your family encouraging you, but when it really comes down to it, we have to be accountable to ourselves in what we eat. I have found portion control is my best friend. We can always "eat more", but I stop with my portion size, and not go back for seconds. I have a food scale, and also weigh my meats portions.

    Some say not to weigh yourself daily, but for me, I do weigh each morning...just so I can know if there is any gain...then adjust my calories/carbs for the day.

    You can do it Sue...there is so much support out there! Some days will be keep a mind set to stay positive, and press forward!
    Post on your frig what encourages you! Read other success stories! Obtain healthy recipes you can try out. Don't buy the junk, to be tempted by. Check out what restaurants offer low calorie meals...etc. So many things you can do to have a life change in your eating habits.

    I will be thinking of you today! Judy