What am I doing wrong?

I've been working out religiously since February, completely changed my diet, and I only gained weight. My love of fruit ups my carb percentage, should I cut them out? More protein (please dont suggest eggs. eggs are super gross)? I've opened up my diary, so take a look and I'd love to hear suggestions!


  • fluffbegone08
    Carbs have always been my cryptonite! But since cutting my carbs way down...and I mean WAY down, and uping my protein intake, I have lost 15 lbs. I am also not eating sugar hardly at all, aside from natural sugar in fruit. I eat the Nature's Valley protein bars (dark chocolate and peanut). They are delish and they kick your cravings for carbs and chocolate all in one....and they have a decent amount of protein and low carbs! Hope this helps...this is what works for me! :)
  • vickyangel35
    Many fruits contain a lot of sugar that tends to harm any diet. If you really love fruit, try cutting down to only two apples a day or two oranges etc., and try to avoid eating too many grapes (since they have much more sugar than we would like). Also try eating more lean meats, like low fat/fat free beef and chicken, avoid consuming too much pork as it can be calorie packed. Apart from adding more lean proteins to your diet, you can add whole grains as well (make sure its 100% whole grains and not just refined or enriched as those lack most of the grain). I hope this helps, dieting is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do but with time it becomes a wonderful life change as you become healthier and happier. Its all about our health, so giving up or even just trading fatty choices for healthier ones can really change one's life. Oh I recently ran into a product by TopChips that is wonderful! It's a way to make veggie chips quickly in the microwave that are oil free and you can season them any way you please. I really love it! One of my guilty pleasures has always been chips, and veggie chips are a perfect way to fill that craving and a healthy one as well.
  • igobronco
    igobronco Posts: 18 Member
    I love my fruit too but I have cut back to one time a day eating fruit and have started to eat more protien. I would suggest getting your blood work checked for thyroid issues. I was eating a lean high protien no carb diet and gaining weight. I got my Thyroid checked and that was part of the problem. it is not everyones issue and I know this but it often goes unnoticed
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    I don't think you should cut the fruit out entirely, but try eating less of it. Focus on not going over your carb limit on MFP, and hitting your protein every day. That should help.