fast food?!



  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Everything in moderation.

    This. Don't eat it every day, but every once in awhile it's okay.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    it is tough to stay away from fast food. I found myself eating meatless and no cheese pizzas only to put some weight back on. Everything in moderation is a saying, it will not give you optimum health. Saying this doesn't make me perfect either but it is a goal we should strive for, and to understand why.

    Developing good habits is a great goal. We all fail, but that doesn't mean we should stop trying.
  • It is fine to eat anything you want. If you are only concerned with losing weight then you could lose weight eating cheesecake. It's just you can only have one small slice a day...and that is it! As long as you are eating less than you are working off or creating a calorie theory...still lose weight.

    Now, from a health standpoint, fast food is not healthy and shouldn't be considered part of a healthy lifestyle. I myself eat it several times a week. It is fast, easy, and let's face tastes awesome! The thing that kills me is the incredible sodium amounts in all fast food! Even the chicken and some of the salads are no good and loaded with salt. Try to order chicken with no mayo...or only with a bottom bun. To stay on the healthy can make small changes to the meals and make them a little healthier but not much!
  • salgalruns
    salgalruns Posts: 83 Member
    I have pretty much eliminated fast food because of all the other stuff that's added in (fat & sodium are both pretty high).

    If I don't want to cook, I might head to Subway - it's fast, cheap, and low in calories with what I get (no cheese or mayo - under 300 calories for a 6"). If I head to In N Out for a burger, I'll do a protein style with no sauce or cheese - thus, just wrap that baby in lettuce instead of on a bun. Those trips are rare though. I avoid all others like the plague as they now wreak havoc on my system - not worth it.
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    Like I say to everyone who says "as long as you are still within your allotted calories".... yeah, if you are not someone who eats this kinda things regularly I guess it's fine. What people tend to focus on is the weight and calorie intake and what not, but you ignore the idea that fast foods have a ton of nasty fat and oils to clog the arteries, make your skin look nasty, and pack on more weight. I say this because I used to eat like this all the time because my job was very overwhelming and time consuming. I ate good every other meal, but when I was at work for lunch I would go get McDonald's or KFC. This wasn't everyday, mind you, but I still ended up gaining about fifty pounds. My caloric intake was probably around 1800 and I was on my feet all day. The only explanation I can give you for the weight gain would have to be the crazy hours of my job and that fast food meal every once in a while. Honestly, the best thing to do is avoid it. If you can't possibly avoid it, get a burger, but eat half or something.
  • Hksalex
    Hksalex Posts: 144 Member
    thanks for the input folks, extremely good stuff here!

    I quit soda cold turkey when i started that helped me lose the 14lbs in about 2 week.. i this is my 2nd fast food meal since lol. I had a Protein style in n out on Saturday... due to it was free and i was far far away from home...
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    For weight loss, yes. For health, probably not.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    No, it is not okay. IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) is 80% clean eating and it's diet approach is iffy. Calories in vs calories out is a great measurer. If you can get the food via drive thru, DON'T. :devil:

    Is it just me or did you contradict yourself there?
  • whiskeycharged
    whiskeycharged Posts: 400 Member

    Is it just me or did you contradict yourself there?

    Hopefully it's you. But then I read what I wrote and it didn't sound correct either. I guess IIFYM is developed out of the concept of calories in vs calories out. I partially use calories in vs calories out but 100 % is clean eating. IIFYM should be 80% clean but again, being able to eat pop tarts and such is not the best approach. :ohwell:
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    when i eat fastfood,i work out to take the extra colories out!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Welllllll lately with my living situation right now I can't cook as much as I'd like.... so I've been eating very poorly. lots of processed stuff. When I get my living situation straightened out I will be cooking like a mofo and eating healthily, but for right now I focus more on calories and my macros and things are going just fine.

    Also, I believe everything in moderation is key. I will still eat at McDonalds sometimes and I still eat donuts sometimes. Just not all the time.
  • missmousern
    missmousern Posts: 1 Member
    I always get kids meals if I have to eat fast food. It is cheap, and automatic portion control. Now they often have healthy choices for sides. Fruit slices etc. My niece knows she has a drawer in my kitchen that is hers. It is where I put all the toys I get :) I like the subway kids meal. They cut an inch or 2 off the 6 inch sub, you won't miss it. Then a milk and fruit slices or a juice box and yogurt, All just lesser evils.
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    Yeah, it's fine as long as you don'r eat fast food every day for every meal.

    I have KFC potato and gravy every few days, that **** is like my heroin.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member

    Is it just me or did you contradict yourself there?

    Hopefully it's you. But then I read what I wrote and it didn't sound correct either. I guess IIFYM is developed out of the concept of calories in vs calories out. I partially use calories in vs calories out but 100 % is clean eating. IIFYM should be 80% clean but again, being able to eat pop tarts and such is not the best approach. :ohwell:

    If the OP was talking about eating that way as a part of her regular diet I would absolutely agree with you. The once in a great while fast food meal will have next to no impact on your long term health.
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    I eat fast food nearly 4 times a week for lunch at work and I still managed to lose 30lb when I wanted to. You can make simple changes, like side salad instead of fries, omit cheese and mayo, etc to reduce the calories. It's not the healthiest food to be sure, but it's not the devil. Protein is protein. The carbs in the bread you get there are the same as the carbs in the bread you'd get anywhere else unless you get very specific dietary bread. None of those places use trans-fats anymore and saturated fats are not causing the problems that was once thought. Food places don't stay in business by deliberately putting stuff in their food that kills its customers.
    In my opinion, most of the fast food demonization you hear is alarmist myth and vegan propaganda. And unless you're specifically directed to be on a low sodium diet or just don't like retaining a little water, there's nothing wrong with some extra sodium on occasion, especially if you sweat a lot. It's not poison, in fact, you would die without it.
    One thing about fast food vs. other restaurants is that their food has strictly controlled portions and it's been analyzed ad-nauseum so you can get accurate nutritional information for calorie tracking. In other restaurants, the portions and preparations can vary wildly and if they even publish nutrition information, what you are actually served can vary in content dramatically even if the overall quality of the food is better.
  • angiereid
    angiereid Posts: 158
    i think everything in moderation is key and yes you can still lose weight while consuming fast food, if you restrict yourself to never being allowed to eat bad food then you will probably binge one day, i allow myself one bad day a week, and for me that just means i am under my calories but way over in salt. i generally stay away from salt since i have a kidney disease i stay under 1500 and limit my protein and fat but sometimes i need to cheat to feel good. i really think i lose weight better this way, and it has always worked for me.
  • Erikhulse
    Erikhulse Posts: 51 Member
    I go to McDonalds often and get a grilled chicken sandwich with no mayo. And a side salad with lite balsamic vinaigrette. Tastes great, very filling, around 400 calories, and under $5.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    For weight loss, yes. For health, probably not.
