The 3 BIG things that are helping my journey ...

So, I wanted to point out the things that im doing at the moment which I believe are of the most benefit to me and my journey. Instead of putting all this garble up onto my MFP profile … I thought id make a post about it then link it back.

So here we go:

1 Hyponotherapy

At the middle of last year I was at my heaviest which was 132 Kgs (291 lbs) I then found MFP, went on a journey and lost 20 Kgs (44 lbs) and got myself down to 112 Kgs (247 lbs).

This was hard work ... it really was, and it didn’t stick.

Between December of 2011 up until the middle of June of 2012 I yoyo’d back and forth and ended up back at 119 kgs (262 lbs). 2 and a half years ago I went to see a hypnotherapist to quit smoking … went to see him once and have never looked back. Hypnotherapy just works for me, now the thought of a cigarette turns my stomach … let alone the smell.

So … being at my wits end I made another appointment to see my Hypnotist, went to see him, and had Gastric / Lap Band Hypnosis done.

Since then … its been such a revelation for me. I basically now eat to survive and that’s it. The emotional hold that food had on me is gone. I can go out for dinner now … eat a 1/3 of the plate then push it away “im done … satisfied”. Its such a fantastic thing. But I have to say, hypnotherapy isn’t for everyone … and it doesn’t work on everyone. AND there are a lot of con artists out there as well.

All things said and done though, the reason why Hypnotherapy is on the top of this list is because it worked on me! :)

2 Magnet Therapy

Again, this is another thing that can work for people … and on others it has no effect at all. I love my magnets though …

3 years ago I had to have surgery to my lower back, after returning home from the hospital I wore a magnetic back brace during the day and slept on a magnetic underlay at night. Within 2 months I was back at a desk job with no major problems at all. Now maybe I just healed well? But it was MAJOR surgery and 2 months isn’t that long to recover from major surgery.

How does magnet therapy attribute to weight loss ? Well I believe it accelerates your body’s natural healing system … so after a full on day at the gym / pool / work whatever … waking up after a nights sleep with magnets is just fantastic. Whatever niggles I had the day before are gone and my body is ready to go! It really is an awesome thing :)

Again … I feel I should say that a lot of people don’t believe in it, or it has no effect on them … but that’s ok. Because it does work for me !!

3 Alex’s Awesome Homemade Capsules

Time to enter the witch doctor zone.

I pack and make my own capsules (thank you ebay for empty capsules and capsule filling machines) and they contain equal parts of Turmeric, Cinnamon, Green Tea and Cayenne Pepper.

Strange I know … but researching each one of these ingredients you will find the health / weight loss benefits of each one quite astounding. So instead of taking 15 different capsules of crap a day … I decided to blend them all and make my own. Have the helped my weight loss journey? Id go with probably … Have the helped my everyday way of life? Id go with definitely.

Here are some links you might to look at, to support my “witchdoctorisms” :)

So there we go … I mean there are a range of other things to talk about like exercise, good sleep, multivitimins etc … But I thought I would just point out the top three things that are making my journey that much more fantastic :)

Thanks for reading … it’s a lot to get through I know !!! :)


  • blackgold86
    blackgold86 Posts: 171 Member
    Great post! Good to see that we can try a variety of things to get where we want to be...

    I don't see MFP on your list ;)
  • TheMolloy
    TheMolloy Posts: 31 Member
    Great post! Good to see that we can try a variety of things to get where we want to be...

    I don't see MFP on your list ;)

    Ahhhhhhh CRAP ... yes you are right !!!

    Totally forgot to add MFP ... that could turn into number 1a maybe ???
  • TheMolloy
    TheMolloy Posts: 31 Member
    I just thought of another whooops that i didnt add .. i forgot to mention how amazing my partner has been, the support and drive she has given me has been just amazing! :)

    ... yeah that was a big whoops not mentioning her !!! :P