Crazy diets

Hey im looking to try out loads of different diets throughout a period of time to loose weight and too see if i actually find some easier than others. I want to do it as a journey not as diets just to see what people put themselves through to loose weight. Like the detox drink beyonce drinks to loose a few pounds before touring etc. I also want to speed up my weight loss a bit for the next few months so giving myself a month to figure out what is best to use as a plan. Thanks in advance people xx


  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    You're welcome!
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
  • kathrine90
    kathrine90 Posts: 89 Member
    whats the face for ??
    Im not going to stick to these diets just want to know which diets these people stick to.
    I have most of my diets planned out one is Cereal,Soup and Rice diet.
    And a few others i have made up for myself.
    I guess im not getting any help on this one.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    What exactly is your plan (diets, and time periods on them)?

    I wouldn't expect too much support from the forums since the general consensus is life long change. I do understand that you're using yourself as a lab rat for experimentation.
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member

    I guess im not getting any help on this one.

  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    whats the face for ??
    Im not going to stick to these diets just want to know which diets these people stick to.
    I have most of my diets planned out one is Cereal,Soup and Rice diet.
    And a few others i have made up for myself.
    I guess im not getting any help on this one.

    People don't stick to any of them because they don't work. If they did, we wouldn't be a nation of overweight people looking for more quick fixes. I think most people here on the forums don't understand why you would do this to your health. Investigative journalism?
  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member

    I guess im not getting any help on this one.


    this, I just don't understand what you are trying to find out. It sounds a little risky to me.
  • kathrine90
    kathrine90 Posts: 89 Member
    I was going to blog each diet so do different ones so like try like a week of one then wait till next month try another.
    Not to do them all in a row i will give myself breaks in between.
    And produce a blog/video diary about the effects to warn other people about the dangers etc.
    Anyways i guess i stick to the way im dieting now as i have lost 41lbs already in the space of 5 months.
    Got 50 to go till im at my weight i want to be for christmas.
  • xxcandywrathxx
    xxcandywrathxx Posts: 200 Member
    ...I have heard of one crazy diet where you eat grapefruit before every meal.
    lol, everyone can add me if they like. :)
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    This is MyFitnessPal not MyYoyoDietingPutItAllBackOnAndMoreInThreeMonthsPal.

    What ever you're doing now has proven to work so continue to do so.

    Clearly, Beyonce's trick doesn't work in the long run or she'd never need to do it again.

    As for experimenting, this might help:
  • papate
    papate Posts: 67 Member
    My "diet " is a lifestyle change and I have done well on the VLCD. I will even stay on a form of it during mantanence. It works no problem and I feel better than I have in the past. Good luck lady. Determination wins.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member

    I mean, eat anyway you want, it doesn't affect any of the rest of us, but I don't understand why you would want to do this to yourself.
  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    If you want to be a lab rat try the HCG diet... works great, right up until the point where your hair falls out and you work out that you've lost so much muscle at the same time (due to the 600-800kcal daily consumtion) that your stuck eating a stupidly low calorie level for a long time or try eating properly and put on back more than you've lost....

    As darrensurrey said This is MyFitnessPal not MyYoyoDietingPutItAllBackOnAndMoreInThreeMonthsPal find something you can do for life (this shouldnt be a diet but an oppertunity to find how to live properly) otherwise you'll be back in a year or two with 100lbs to loose again!

    Also 44lbs in 4 months is increadably agressive, hope your not doing the MFP version of the HCG diet which people do? (i.e ignore the calorie intake warnings)
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    You've lost 41lb in 5 months and you want to speed up your weight loss? 0_o

    I know we all want to lose it yesterday, but some people are never happy.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    Let me get this right so you, "out of curiosity", do a week of Atkins, a week of cabbage soup, a week of paleo, a week of grapefruit, a week of south beach, a week of VLCD etc...? :huh:



    Good luck? I guess....
  • Stuz359
    Stuz359 Posts: 81
    Read 'Drop Dead Healthy' by AJ Jacobs and you will probably get the answers you seek rather than subjecting your own body to the experimentation.
  • EstherZue
    EstherZue Posts: 39
    I don't think there's a need to come down on her like its forbidden to experiment with eating and dieting, jesus, you guys are a mob! I learnt so much about my body and my metabolism by trying different approaches - which I basically had to because I plateau roughly every 6 weeks.

    So in response to the thread, I am currently trying intermittent fasting for a month since its Ramadan over here and I can't eat at work. I fast 18 hours and eat 6 hours, in the evening between 7 pm until 1. For the past week I haven't counted calories but homecook all my food, including pasta, pizza, chili, bread, etc. This past week I've been losing weight very fast every day. Try it.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Never ceases to amaze me the things that get posted in these forums.... Why anyone would want to subject themselves to this kind of experimentation is beyond me.... You have done so well and are half way there, I would suggest to keep on doing it the way you have and don't be a guinea pig and put yourself through any of that crap.. This is a lifestyle change and nothing less, if it takes you til next christmas to get the rest of your weight off there is nothing wrong with that.. Atleast you would be doing it the safe and effective way... Best of Luck....
  • kathrine90
    kathrine90 Posts: 89 Member
    okay people you can stop having a go at me now.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    you're destined for failure because you have the wrong attitude. there aren't certain magical foods and methods that make fat melt off. eating less calories than you use is the only way to lose weight. literally the only way.