For The Ladies (Unless the men know)

Okay... Seriously, I am so mad at myself. I know within the next 1-1and a half weeks aunt flow is coming to visit from red river and the same thing happened last month I crave junk food and because I am avoiding it I will keep grazing the kitchen to try and substitute last night I made a veggie sandwich (not a bad thing) I was still within my calorie intake, but nooOOoOooo I couldn't stop there so I grabbed some trisquit bisquits, could I stop there NOooOoooo I had an apple (not bad) I know, but I have been like this for 2 days in a row the previous night I ate a gigantic amount of popcorn. I weighed myself today and I am sure the popcorn finally caught up with me because now I am 2 more pounds heavier than yesterday morning. So, bottom line... HOW IN THE HECK do you ladies prevent near that time of the month snacking, and I guess it could work for anytime of the month how do you turn off the junkfood craving switch in the brain? I do soooo good for 3 weeks out of the month but then I graze because I am not getting what I truly want a big ol' bag of chips and chocolate. I keep thinking just buy a bag get it out of your system but I know me and cannot be trusted with junk food I will eat it until it is gone or if I do manage to save some I will eat it everyday until its gone. I know I have to stay away from it I havent even bought a bag of chips since the end of May.


  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    I try to make smart decisions. I always crave meat, like hot wings, fried chicken or burgers. I off set by drinking tons of water, working out hard, and getting lots of fiber. But hey it's going to happen.
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I try to make smart decisions. I always crave meat, like hot wings, fried chicken or burgers. I off set by drinking tons of water, working out hard, and getting lots of fiber. But hey it's going to happen.

    Good advice. Does fiber help? Maybe I should try this.
  • workkoutchick96
    When i get hungry, i make hot tea and use stevia 0 calorie sweeteners. no calories, fills you up, and its yummy! :)
  • amonroe1343
    amonroe1343 Posts: 206 Member
    I don't deny myself my cravings but I try to make sure that I portion out the bad stuff so that I can just satisfy my cravings and nothing more. I rarely need more than just a taste of something to satisfy my craving for that food so I can't help you with the overindulging. Some of the stuff you can put in your freezer and then you have to thaw it completely before you can eat it so that might make you less likely to eat it. I think it's usually about what is on hand at that time. Good luck!
  • tinemarie15
    I always have that problem. Have you ever seen the Chocolate Covered Katie website? She has a lot of great, healthy food that satisfies those cravings. My favorite go-to are the Brownie Batter pancakes. They take care of all my sweet cravings, and I don't have to beat myself up afterwards. And there are many others.
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    When i get hungry, i make hot tea and use stevia 0 calorie sweeteners. no calories, fills you up, and its yummy! :)

    That sounds nice! Okay my goal tonight, is if I get the munchies I will make a cup of tea and sip on it until the craving is over :-D GREAT tip thanks :)
  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    Maybe let yourself have what your craving...Fit it into you calories...Im not saying Eat an entire Big Bag of chips, but maybe get one of those snack size ones and enjoy it.. Try sugar free dark chocolate...Its ok to indulge once in a while just dont OVER indulge..
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    I have a couple simple rules.

    1.) I don't get on the scale the week before my period or the week of. Just don't do it. There is never good news there and it's always water retention. I bloat up like a tick. So yeah, that's two weeks out of the month I don't weigh myself, but it's two weeks I don't torment myself.

    2.) I allow myself some junk food when I'm in the grips of the menstrual fury. A candy bar here. A slice of pizza here. It keeps me from going off the deep end with grazing,and so far, it's not hurting my bottom line on weight loss. So if the thing that's making you snarfle up "good for you food" in mass quantities is the urge for salty chips and a cola, get a small bag of chips and a cola. Eat, drink, try not to rip the face off of every man you see. I think of it as a public service.

    3.) Drink a LOT of water. It's the only thing that really helps with the bloating.

    Good luck.
  • sera799
    sera799 Posts: 9
    It might be that your 2lb gain is just water retention? I gain 2lbs whenever I come on, and once I'm off my weight drops down almost straight away. Why not consult the calorie counting on MFP to check how much crisps of choccy you could have before you're nearing your intake goal? Then you can have it and still be on track. It's hard but allow yourself small amounts instead of not at all! Keep in your mind why you're wanting to lose weight and ask yourself what is more important, that bag of crisps or looking at the scales later and knowing you haven't been too naughty! Nobody is making you diet, that's YOU wanting to improve yourself for whatever reason, for YOU! :)
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I don't deny myself my cravings but I try to make sure that I portion out the bad stuff so that I can just satisfy my cravings and nothing more. I rarely need more than just a taste of something to satisfy my craving for that food so I can't help you with the overindulging. Some of the stuff you can put in your freezer and then you have to thaw it completely before you can eat it so that might make you less likely to eat it. I think it's usually about what is on hand at that time. Good luck!

    You know that is so true. I was never a big pop fan but I had a hankering for it about 2 and a half weeks ago. I grabbed one of my daughters small kid size cups had that small glass and then the bottle sat in the fridge until it went flat lol. Maybe I have more control than I thought now lol. Thanks for the advice! :)
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    It could be that the extra weight is from the extra food, and not actual weight gain, especially if you had lots of salt on the popcorn.
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    Is it a time of the month thing though?

    We have been watching my wife's food vs. dates vs. exercise for the last 3 months and she has wanted to eat less and has lost more weight during that week than any other week.

    She is probably just special though :smile: :heart:
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I always have that problem. Have you ever seen the Chocolate Covered Katie website? She has a lot of great, healthy food that satisfies those cravings. My favorite go-to are the Brownie Batter pancakes. They take care of all my sweet cravings, and I don't have to beat myself up afterwards. And there are many others.

    I have never heard of her but I will be sure to check this site out those sound divine! :-D Thanks.
  • brwneyedirish813
    brwneyedirish813 Posts: 67 Member
    I try to allow myself about 500 more calories during this time... because i was told your metabolism is quicker this time too. good luck hun! :D
  • ColletteNicole
    ColletteNicole Posts: 145 Member
    it's SO hard. I try to keep healthier chocolate options around because that's what I crave - so diet hot chocolate (25 cals), fiber one chocolate brownies (90 cals), chocolate frozen banana slices, etc. I also highly recommend extended cycle birth control, like seasonal, I love only having to see Aunt Flo 4 times a year! :-)
  • sds76
    sds76 Posts: 215 Member
    I agree with above what you are craving but do so in moderation or try an alternative and get off the scale. I unfortunately have horrid PMS for 2 weeks prior to AF and I retain water bad, so I know the scale is not giving me the real story. I know the gain isn't from the cravings because when AF is over I lose it all and then some.
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    It might be that your 2lb gain is just water retention? I gain 2lbs whenever I come on, and once I'm off my weight drops down almost straight away. Why not consult the calorie counting on MFP to check how much crisps of choccy you could have before you're nearing your intake goal? Then you can have it and still be on track. It's hard but allow yourself small amounts instead of not at all! Keep in your mind why you're wanting to lose weight and ask yourself what is more important, that bag of crisps or looking at the scales later and knowing you haven't been too naughty! Nobody is making you diet, that's YOU wanting to improve yourself for whatever reason, for YOU! :)

    This one hit home :-) Thanks I do ask myself this every so often I should ask myself this more frequently. :) Thank you.
  • laurie0507
    laurie0507 Posts: 92 Member
    I can relate.. I dont even want to tell you what I ate yesterday because of PMS. I do know that your body burns more calories when you're PMSing.. it must know we eat more during that time. Try and give yourself plenty of healthy snacks, get up and walk around and try and take your mind off of it. Also, you can't eat a lot today and have it show up on the scale tomorrow, sometimes it takes a day or two to show up. Weekly weigh ins are more accurate for that reason, IMO.
  • sds76
    sds76 Posts: 215 Member
    it's SO hard. I try to keep healthier chocolate options around because that's what I crave - so diet hot chocolate (25 cals), fiber one chocolate brownies (90 cals), chocolate frozen banana slices, etc. I also highly recommend extended cycle birth control, like seasonal, I love only having to see Aunt Flo 4 times a year! :-)

    Just curious with the seasonal, I know you only see AF 4 times a year but does that mean no PMS either? I was supposed to have a procedure done to lessen or get rid of AF but I still would have dealt with PMS. I don't need birth control for it's intended use but have thought about going back on it for the PMS reason.
  • Morgan103084
    maybe if you satisfy your craving, you'll stop grazing in the kitchen! i have that problem too. if it chocolate i want nothing else works for me, i'll keep "trying" things but it wont go away until i get my piece of chocolate. so if i just get it out of my system, i actually save myself some calories. otherwise i just keep going back to the kitchen.