2 Months in... time to introduce myself

danwood2 Posts: 291 Member
Well, I'm almost 2 months into this lifestyle change and I never fully introduced myself to the gang on here. This is kind of a mixture of an introduction and a success story in one shot, so please bear with me. I started MFP after a friend of mine at work told me about it and it has been pretty much an addiction ever since. I started MFP at my heaviest weight of 242lbs, to sum it up - you know you are in bad shape when your doctor (that I have to see every 6 months (hypothyroidism)) pulls up your entire medical history to say - "wow, you are 242lbs now, let's see what you were when you started seeing us ... oh... 190lbs...!" in front of my wife and daughter... yeah, that felt great. But it also woke me up, and I have been going full out ever since. Now, almost 60 days later, i am in the 215 range, working out 6 nights a week and have completely overhauled my eating habits. I used to state "I have a seefood diet - I see it, I eat it" but now that I am logging EVERYTHING... and i do mean EVERYTHING that I eat, it is hard for me to even consider eating a third of what i used to.

I am now over half way to my goal weight of 195... just 20(ish) more pounds to go and even though I sometimes feel that I am losing the weight a little bit too quickly - averaging .5 lbs a day if you do the numbers - I am eating all of my calories and even a lot of the "burned" calories with my workout (when I'm hungry), I feel like I'm doing this right. So, please feel free to add me if you would like, whenever I'm on a computer, I'm going to be logged in here, but if not, it is normally through my iPhone - Damn I wish that you could access the forums through the App! I will try to get some pictures on here soon under the success story tab to see if you guys can tell a difference.

Take care and keep up the great work!! This isn't a diet... it is a new lifestyle. Diet is just DIE with a T on the end!!

Cheers :drinker:


  • danwood2
    danwood2 Posts: 291 Member
    So... maybe I did put this in the wrong area!!

    ahhh - oh well!
  • cathbat64
    cathbat64 Posts: 3
    I'm really new on here and I found your post, so you did fine. Congratulation on that wonderful progress. I need that kind of motivation! Keep up the good work. Shows us all what we can really do if we try!