Hello... Any advice?



  • Caitlyn,

    I am an active duty Air Force member who has gained way too much weight after a year of surgeries. I have a bunch of valuable resources here to help me so let me pass on a few tidbits I have learned from them. Weight loss is 75-80% diet 20-25% exercise. No matter what it is all about consistency. I see you have received a lot of advice about your diet so I will keep my comments to just this. Try to eat every two hours. For example, I eat Breakfast at 0800 (oatmeal and fruit), a morning snack at 1000 (yogurt or cottage cheese), lunch at 1200 (turkey wrap), afternoon snack at 1400(almonds or fruit) and dinner at 1730 (I know more than two hours but that is how my schedule allows it). Eating this way boosts your metabolism and helps you burn more calories during the day. As for exercise walking is a good start. The fastest way to burn fat is to do both cardio (walking and such) and resistance or weight training. I am not talking about bulking up and becoming a body builder but toning and basic strengthening exercises. if you don't have a gym or weights available there are plenty of general household items that you can use (a gallon of water weighs 8 pounds). Lower weight and higher reps will do wonders and wont build huge muscles. Whatever you do start out slow and work your way up. Nothing worse than hitting it hard and not being able to work out for a couple of day's because you are too sore. Remember consistency is key. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • justgottaworkforit
    justgottaworkforit Posts: 3 Member
    Hi!! I'm new to this too =]
    I don't drink soda, but I know that my dad lost weight a lot easier after he dropped it. Instead, he drank carbonated flavored water... I personally don't recommend carbonated water XD but you'd be so surprised by how many calories you DRINK. Did you know that you can eat 3 fruits for the same calorie count as 8 ounces of soda? And come on, who drinks just 8 ounces? One of those "big gulp" things (64 oz. of soda) at KFC can have up to 800 calories in it. That's almost 2 whole meals and NONE of the nutritional value. It is totally worth it to cut that crap out of your life!
    Also, give yourself a break. Decide that at one time or meal, you will eat a few cookies or some sort of sweet. You can still have your soda, just think of it as a treat instead of a side with your meal =]
    And don't forget to get enough sleep. Sleep is what regulates your metabolism, and makes it easier to lose weight. And I know how much it sucks as a teenager to want to stay up late, all while knowing that sleep is so good for you.
    But I'd love to talk to you and help you out whenever you need it!! Motivation is where I struggle most, and I know I'm not the only one, so if you ever need me, just message me. Seriously, I am always here, and I am right along side of you on this obnoxiously hard journey to lose weight. Just keep at it! :smile:

    P.S. something that might help you! You can actually enter food in your online food diary BEFORE you eat it. So the night before, enter your food, and then the next day, just stick to what you planned yesterday! You can even change it around during the day if you don't feel like eating something you planned yesterday. It's so nice to have a plan, and it's a lot easier to stick to. It takes out the guess work.
  • #1- Supportive Fitness Friends!

    #2- (i love these resources)


    http://www.eatcleandiet.com/ (Tosca Reno is an inspiration who went from obese to kickin' *kitten*!)

    #3- Patience and Self Appreciation

    It takes time to Change Your Life. I want you to know You Are Worth It.
  • N0703989
    N0703989 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Caitlyn

    Wow, you've had a lot of advice, some more extreme/specific than others.

    In my humble opinion. Do what works for you. If cutting out certain foods makes you feel in control, then go for it. Others find that making something banned, just makes you want it more. Look and listen to everyone, we're all amateur experts - some more amateur than others! There is unlimited information out there on diets and weight loss and it is multi-billion pound industry for a reason.

    Try something - give it while - if doesn't work try something different. If doesn't work, see if you can find out why, but don't give up. There are loads of people here to give advice or opinions. The best advice I read was on eating more calories. I honestly went from losing 1lb a week to losing 3lbs the next (we'll see what happens next week).

    The changes you make are for a life time. Do not punish yourself, if you are suffering then you will not sustain those changes for long. Remember, you always have a choice (even if you don't think so).

    Good luck x
  • CaitLett12
    CaitLett12 Posts: 12
    Thank you!! :)
  • CaitLett12
    CaitLett12 Posts: 12
    Thank you for the advice! :)