Any Info on Body by Via?

Sorry if there already a thread for this. I do not know how to search these forums and only perused the topics headlines.

Has any heard of this body by via? Someone in my office is selling it and I have not heard much or anything about it. He gave me a sample, but I do not want to waste it if it's a 'scam'. It sounds like it's one of those replace one (or 2) meals a day with a shake.

I know the best way to lose is a lifestyle change and exercise not some quick diet. But I am wondering what info there is about it without talking to a salesman.



  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
    It's body by Vi. I tried it for less than 2 weeks and I stopped. I LOVE the shakes, don't get me wrong it's the cost. It cost me 100 bucks for 2 bags which last a month for two shakes a day. On top of that I have to buy almond milk which would cost me another 36 a month, and frozen fruit would be 66! a month. Plus on top of that I still need to buy food for 1 meal, food for my daughter and sister to's just not worth it when I can just make food that we can all eat. It's too hard to make something different for everyone.
  • racoomer
    racoomer Posts: 8 Member
    Silly 'a'! :)

    Wow, that was something else i was wondering about, the cost.

    Thanks, for your reply.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    I have a relative who started selling this stuff, and she took the 90 day Body by Vi challenge as part of it. She lost 20 pounds. However, I am a week away from finishing my own 90 day "body by STOP EATING CRAP and do a little exercise" challenge, and I've lost 24 pounds. Bet I lose another pound by the end of it. So, I like my method better.:tongue:
  • Nufraser
    Nufraser Posts: 87 Member
    Just like previous post, I too love the taste. However I am not following it to a T. I use it for breakfast only simply because it takes the guesswork out of one meal. The great thing about MFP is that the caloric value can be calculated. It costs me about $55 and last awhile because I am not using it for two meals regularly. If I get lazy though it's a good option to have and with a cup of almond milk it is only 150 calories. Of course that number goes up if you add fruits to it. It taste good enough where you really don't need much besides ice cubes. HTH
  • RideaYeti
    RideaYeti Posts: 211 Member
    I use it and have had a lot of success by replacing breakfast and lunch. I am actually saving money since I am not buying breakfast stuff and/or lunch stuff (or eating out at lunch). We usually just use the 1% milk we have in the fridge and it works fine. You don't have to use the almond milk.

    Like anything, it can be great for some and bad for others. It all depends on what works for you. A lot of folks on here will slam it as a scam or pyramid scheme, but all I can say is it has helped me (and I am not selling it, I just use it).
  • racoomer
    racoomer Posts: 8 Member
    Sounds like a fancy protein shake so far. :) What is the big differance then between this and getting a good protein power from GNC ?
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Sounds like a fancy protein shake so far. :) What is the big differance then between this and getting a good protein power from GNC ?

    How much you spend
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Sounds like a fancy protein shake so far. :) What is the big differance then between this and getting a good protein power from GNC ?

    How much you spend

    Yes, Body Bi Vi makes you spend a lot to eat very little...GNC makes you spend less...
    Or you could just eat very little in the first place.
    Or you could make your own shakes that taste better.
    Or you could go on a diet with a moderate deficit so you can get all of your vitamins out of food and not processed soy based crap with a bunch of stuff added to it.

    I prefer real food...if I want something that's not real food, it better be shaped like an oreo.
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    Sounds like a fancy protein shake so far. :) What is the big differance then between this and getting a good protein power from GNC ?

    There is absolutely no difference.
    You could replace two meals with any protein powder or meal replacement powder and have the same results.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I used it out of convenience, I needed a quick breakfast. It fills you up and has ingredients no different than any shake mix you can buy in Costco, Walmart, GNC, etc. I personally didn't stick to the plan becuase I would prefer to chew my lunch than drink it. I still have an occasional shake for breakfast.

    The cost is it is $45/bag, then $19 to ship. So expensive.
  • amp111379
    amp111379 Posts: 2 Member
    There really isn't that much protein in them either and it's soy. For 90 calories it's 9 grams of protein for Body by Vi. My protein powder (whey protein, has 120 calories and 23 grams of protein and I can flavor it anyway I want just like the Body by Vi shakes. And it's cheaper. Whey protein is better for building muscle, I believe. Don't bother with Body by Vi and pick up some protein powder online or at a store for cheaper and you can do the exact same thing with it.
  • mrswarrick
    mrswarrick Posts: 20 Member
    I tried it too and I loved it for a while, but I had to mix pudding in with it to feel full or I was putting in a lot of fruit which was just way to much sugar for me. I seem to need to consume less carbs/sugar than others I know to get the same results. So I do better by eating lots of protein and really I didn't feel like the shake was a protein shake but a meal replacement shake. I believe it was ~13 grams of protein for 90 calories and my Optimum nutrition protein is 130 calories with 24 grams of protein. Taste for body by vi was great, but so is the ON Chocolate Coconut protein powder. I have been making green smoothies with a ton of spinach, greek yogurt, almond milk, and protein powder for breakfast- so delish! :) And I'm getting the spinach powerhouse for breakfast, ha!
    And after a while 2 shakes a day gets real old and you want real food to chew.
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    eatcleanNtraindirty Posts: 444 Member
    It's garbage. There's a lot better weight loss systems out there that you can find at a local retail location (not GNC, they're expensive!).

    Just find a good blended protein (whey isolate, whey concentrate, egg, casein) or just a standard whey protein and add some fruit or veggies to it to make it a "meal replacement".

    Any MLM program is going to be garbage for the most part. The shakes they give you are basically a bunch of carbs and a little protein. Add milk or almond milk to it to get to the "24" grams of protein they advertise in the shake. Think about it... the company makes it for X, they sell it to a distributor for XY, they then sell it to your rep or whoever for XYZ, then that person sells it to you for XYZA.
    Basically this means that you end up getting a very cheap and inexpensive (read: crap) product for the price of a much less expensive but higher quality product.

    High quality nutrition or food products cost more to produce and are going to be more expensive than a low quality food. You can buy a $2 steak that is full of fatty tissue and sinew, or you can buy a $5-10 prime choice cut. Same thing goes for proteins and anything else you consume.
  • pbg2000
    pbg2000 Posts: 1
    I kicked off my weight loss with Body by Vai losing 17lbs in 2 months - It did work, wasn't's a low calorie Protein fiber shake that just keeps your metabolism going...I decided I'd much rather spend the money on real food instead and just stick to an eating schedule / routine. I thought it was great that I was losing the weight quickly, but then the reality set in that someday that I'd probably put the weight back on if I stopped taking them and went back to eating the way I was. Decided instead that since I was changing my eating habits for Body by Vai, why not just change them in general and eat real food....

    Ditched the Body by Vai and have continued to lose weight just by tracking food on here.
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    Some woman tried to sell me on this crap at work. As in, I was working at my register, happened to mention to my supervisor in casual talk that I was feeling sluggish that day (due to a bad migraine, which I didn't manage to mention), and the woman heard and gave me a card for this stuff. She told me it would help my sluggishness. WTF.

    Looked into it later and laughed. Pretty sure paying that much money for a freakin scam shake diet would make me feel even more sluggish than a migraine would, lady. :|
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    I, too, am curious about this product. I'm considering trying Body by Vi. I'm still a little undecided about it because I don't want to fall for another fad diet, but I personally know people who have used the product with great success. Also, I read that it has been promoted by some Biggest Loser contestants, so I can't help but think there's something different about this from all the other shake programs. I also realize those contestants could be sell outs, though. My main concern would be gaining the weight back after I stop using the product, but I think MFP has given me the knowledge and tools that are needed to maintain. I refuse to go back to my old habits once the weight is off. This program appeals to me so much because I hate hate HATE cooking for myself, so the convenience is a bigger factor for me than the faster weight loss. What are your thoughts on this? Constructive advice greatly welcomed!
  • grinner30
    grinner30 Posts: 122 Member
    Body by Vi is a tool. Some people can get by without using shakes or other dieting measures. I use it for breakfast with almond milk and strawberries. 288 Calories. It is quick, easy and very low calorie and taste great. It makes it simple for me.

    I could probably get by with something else, however I like it and the nutrition it gives me. Do your research and pick a product or method that works for you.

    If you do not change your caloric intake, nutrition and physical activity permanently, anything you do will be for nothing. Losing weight and returning to eating crap and bad habits will undo everything you worked for. My two cents.
  • shelbiejo
    shelbiejo Posts: 283 Member
    I do and love it. I have lost a ton of inches and saved a lot of money on food. And the thing with that shakes is they keep me fuller than if I am just eating....On the days I don't have a shake for dinner I always go over my calories because I am starving. Plus it easy to make a shake than cook(:
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    There is no point to it. It's a waste of money. Save that money, buy real food, and workout. If you must you shakes, you can get better and cheaper protein powders elsewhere.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member