Not sure what to do...

Just a little insight on me: I'm a 30 year old female, weigh 228lbs, and I'm 5'3".
I'm not sure as to what I should do for workouts. I started P90X (Lean) a couple months back but fell off the wagon from it just being so hard and I was recovering from a back injury. I liked most the workouts but at my weight I found it hard to do some of the moves. I'm not sure if I should try it again and just do my best or do some thing else 1st to get some weight off then try it again. If I do something else what are some suggestions on work outs?
My man just started P90X again and we've started to eat much healthier. Which has already knocked a few pounds off me (woo-hoo).
Any suggestions, ideas on food, anything for that matter is welcomed :)

Thanks All


  • JessMySize
    JessMySize Posts: 130
    I started Leslie Sansone, she's a walking instructor, and I'm pretty sure if I could do it (being the lazy person that I am) then you can too. Hopefully this helps? :)

    P.S: She's more like a beginner, she's a lot less violent then P90X and Insanity. :)
  • AShawneeF
    AShawneeF Posts: 123 Member
    start slow. don't do any exercise that is too difficult to do properly. Try looking up low-impact moves to put in with your p90x just to reduce some of the stress on your back.
  • Mia627
    Mia627 Posts: 34
    My husband does P90X and I have attempted to try it a few times. It's very intense for me. I prefer to run, spin or use the elliptical at the gym. I fully admit I haven't committed to giving it my all at P90X.

    I would say maybe try something else in the meantime to help build up your endurance and then give P90X a try again in maybe a month. Good luck and welcome to the boards!
  • Mia627
    Mia627 Posts: 34
    I started Leslie Sansone, she's a walking instructor, and I'm pretty sure if I could do it (being the lazy person that I am) then you can too. Hopefully this helps? :)

    P.S: She's more like a beginner, she's a lot less violent then P90X and Insanity. :)

    When I started my initial weight loss journey about 10 years ago when I was over 200 pounds I started with Leslie Sansone's videos and highly recommend them!
  • luvhandles74
    luvhandles74 Posts: 85 Member
    It's so nice that your Hubby is doing it with you! As far as P90X well it is tough...I only got through a 1.5 months last year but right now I'm on day 53 of Insanity and it's been great!! I also have 30 Day Shred, I have watched through it but I haven't done it and to be honest I think I might find it a bit boring after doing Insanity BUT a LOT of people here start with that one and I think you might like it. Jillian has a low impact example for when you are starting or tired and high impact example for whe you are ready to kick it out! You should check it out! :)
  • sbduvall
    sbduvall Posts: 42 Member
    Hey Brandy:

    It is soooo hard to work around injuries. Make sure you listen to your body. I have done P90X and my chrio says that it is a little hard on the back the way it is exicuted (mostly the abs portion). Maybe try it but don't over do it or try to modify the movements some. If it hurts (in a bad way) stop. In the meantime maybe try swimming. It is a great workout with no impact. Hope that helps. Fell better soon.

    PS. I am trying to eat paleo / primal and I really like it. But that is a personal desire. I think it is similar to how P90x diet is set up.
  • KristenCook2
    KristenCook2 Posts: 57 Member
    I second Leslie Sansone - I love her! I started out doing her dvd's and then about 2 weeks ago started Jillian Michael's 30-Day-Shred, which is HARD being that I'm currently at 265 and definitely have to alter some of the moves but I find that my endurance is slowly building and I'm able to do more and more of the exercises.
  • SorchaRavenlock
    SorchaRavenlock Posts: 220 Member
    I started Leslie Sansone, she's a walking instructor, and I'm pretty sure if I could do it (being the lazy person that I am) then you can too. Hopefully this helps? :)

    P.S: She's more like a beginner, she's a lot less violent then P90X and Insanity. :)

    I started with Leslie too, and it was great because the exercises are simple but at the same time burn many calories. I really recommend looking into her videos, you can always do the harder stuff later when you are a bit lighter and more fit ;)
  • MaybeAMonkey
    MaybeAMonkey Posts: 247
    Have you tried Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred? I did that for 60 days (was doing it about 4-5 times a week for 8 weeks) and I felt a major difference in my body, I'm now trying some of Jillian Michael's other dvds. I'd love to do P90X by the end of this year, but I wanted to build my endurance and have at least some muscle to work with. :) A friend of mine did the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred in Jan/Feb of this year and lost 25 lbs by doing that and eating healthy. It's a great workout, but it's a short one so it's easy to add into your day and you should see results - maybe not a lot of pounds, but definitely in inches as your body builds muscle and burns fat.

    ETA: For JM 30DS you'll need a yoga mat and hand weights, very simple stuff that you probably already own.
  • TMarieB30
    TMarieB30 Posts: 24
    I ordered 30 Shred with Jillian Michaels. Good luck :)
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    I have a back injury too! My trainer has me doing lots of back and leg stretches, weight training to strengthen muscles around the injury, planks as my back can take it, and walking on an incline on the treadmill (which reduces the stress on your back). I also do the elliptical, swim, and go for walks on trails at a local park.

    Strengthening and stretching my core and my legs has done so much for my activity level. My back was healing at a snail's pace until I started working out like that, and now I'm able to slowly add in activities. I'm looking forward to adding my gym's cardio kickboxing class back into my routine soon!
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    I would start with walking and/or using an elliptical. Both are easy on joints.
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    You could maybe try some pilates first to stretch out your back. It's really low impact and I find it great. Also using a balance ball is excellent for working your core and doesn't put any strain on your back. Other than that I've got a few dvd's from the firm and I love them. They have modified workouts so you just do what you feel capable to and then work up to it. Whatever works for you though. Maybe try a few different things and see which one feels best.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Biggest loser videos are a good place to start.. 30 day shred as well. Then move to p90X.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Start out by walking if you enjoy it and just keep doing it. If its not walking that's ok, just find some activity that you enjoy and feel comfortable with and do it... Do it again... And do it over and over again. You will know when you feel stronger and have more endurance to move on to more of a challenge. Find something you like and go do it. Good luck to you!
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    I started Leslie Sansone, she's a walking instructor, and I'm pretty sure if I could do it (being the lazy person that I am) then you can too. Hopefully this helps? :)

    P.S: She's more like a beginner, she's a lot less violent then P90X and Insanity. :)

    I agree.... I'm surprised how her videos worked me out! They're low impact, but great! OP, you can add for support. I have several problems with my back and basically have half a left foot, but my drive is still there and I kick *kitten* every day (even laid up right now!).

    I think diet is most important, but I do what exercises I can until I can get back to hiking in a few weeks.

    Good luck!
  • imjustcarrie
    imjustcarrie Posts: 16 Member
    Have you thought about just starting off walking? I invested in a real pair of sneakers from New Balance (arch support inserts and all...) and headed to my local park. I've found I really, really enjoy walking the dirt trails..far more than sidewalks. It lets me get in a good 3 mile walk while watching out for trees, deer, and other random Texas wildlife...I completely forget that I am exercising!
  • dlmoore1254
    dlmoore1254 Posts: 4 Member
    At one time I was your exact size. I knew I had to get started but where? So I started walking, at first it was down the block and back, I did that for the first week everyday. Then I gradually increased it to 2 and so on and so on...I was up to walking 5-7 miles a day and down to 130lbs in 8 months...I watched my fat intake and looked a food as something to sustain life, not anything else...when I was stressed I would do something special, like take a long bubble bath or grab a good book. I would leave notes with positive sayings all over my house to encourage me and when I went to the fridge all I had was healthy foods to snack on. Even if I binged it would be on carrots!! I would call my friends or post on my blog when I needed more support. The the main thing is just start!
  • wow, thank you everyone! Didn't think I would get so many reply SO FAST! I think I've for sure gotten some ideas on what to do. I think I will start with either going for a walk, swim, or treadmill 6 days a week. Add something new each week, and Work my way up! I like the idea of the Jillian video I'm going to look into that. I think My goal with be to start P90X after my man finishes his 90 day round and wants to start his next. So for the next 90 days I'm going to work my way up to it.
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    I agree with some of the other posters. If you're looking for some dvds to do at home, I would also suggest Leslie Sansone. She's easy to follow and low impact, but you will work up a good sweat and if you do them regularly, you will see some results. I used to have her routines on my cable TV channel but they took them off recently. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. YOU CAN DO THIS.