300 Ab Challenge, 30 days

I came upon this on pinterest, from another friend. I would like to do this, and was wondering if anyone would take the challenge with me. Since I just started exercising, I don't want to take on too much at once, so I have decided to start on monday. I will take before an after pics, though I won't be doing just this, I'll still have my cardio work outs as well. I'll post again when I'm starting, I was just wondering if anyone else would be interested. Keep an eye out, and let me know. Thanks! (Link below).



  • erica_palmer24
    i just started it, last night was my first night, and I must admit when I was done I really thought that I was going to die lol but I will keep it up because I have a wedding to get ready for, my own! lol Anyways though good luck if you do decide to try it out :)
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    I have low back /pelvic issues so I cant do this yet-its a great idea though-looks like it would really work- good luck and have fun :):)
  • SCR56
    SCR56 Posts: 64 Member
    I am totally going to do this.
  • dyburke
    dyburke Posts: 7
    I just tried this and it's surprisingly tough. I will be doing this for a long time. Thanks for the info. :)