Night Shift Nurses

Hi everyone. I just joined about a month ago, but didn't really start until about a week ago. Was wondering if there were any night shift nurses out there. Wanting any advice how not to find your self eating to stay awake or just find your self eating when not hungry. Have horrible will power. Its hard to want to excercise when your are so tired when you get home. In other words I just need some support and motivation. Thinks for any suggestions. BTW what does bump mean.


  • JazzyJay2012
    I've been on night shift for two nights. My problem is that I usually don't want to eat. One good thing about being on nights is that the cafeteria is closed. I plan my meals and snacks before leaving home and log them into MFP. I pack healthy foods like hummus and pita chips, fruit, and then a sandwhich should I feel really hungry. Hope thia helps.
  • cally69
    cally69 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm just about to go onto 3 weeks of nights and yes it's not easy. It depends what breaks you have but the key is planning. I work my calories from midnight to midnight at all times but I also look at my calorie allowance as a weekly total. So as long as my calories tally up at the end of the week I'm fine. Having said that, by 4am I just want to eat chocolate! So I plan for it. Then I eat a breakfast when I get home so I don't go to bed hungry.I have a quick snack when I get up (I'm one of the lucky ones who sleeps well on nights) and my main meal is around midnight. If it's before midnight then I count the cals in that day, if after then it goes into the following days cals.
    I find the hardest thing is fitting exercise in so I exercise at home to a DVD as often as I can once I'm up.
    You'll find your own way...good luck!