Anyone trying to get back into shape after a baby?

Hi. I had a baby a year ago and I'm looking for support from ladies who are trying to get back to their pre-pregnancy weight...or closer to it! ;)


  • mtmom1012
    mtmom1012 Posts: 31 Member
    Me...2 babies in less than 2 years! Please feel free to add me!
  • I have two girls, my last one is going to be three and this is it. I am here.
  • artessa546
    artessa546 Posts: 22 Member
    My baby is 15 months :) Feel free to add me
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    My "babies" are 9 & 5, but I never lost all the baby weight before gaining more. I'm about 7 lb. heavier than the day I delivered my 5-year old, and can't wait to look at least as good as I did before I had them!
  • lstone03
    lstone03 Posts: 57 Member
    I have 3 but 2 under 2. My youngest is 2 months old.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    I have 2 girls and 2 boys, the youngest is 22 months. Feel free to add me too!
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I am! My "baby" is 13. LOL
  • cait0902
    cait0902 Posts: 127 Member
    My youngest is three, but I still have all the left over weight. I want to have another, but would really love to lose some weight before...feel free to add me....anyone.....
  • priepen
    priepen Posts: 37 Member
    my baby is 5 months and I have a 5 year old feel free to add me. I am trying to get to pre pregnancy weight and then some was trying to lose weight then found out I was pregnant.
  • I have a 4 month old, our first one. Feel free to add me, I've been on MFP for about 3 weeks.
  • you can add me if you want. I've had two kids. and they are only 15 months apart. so i had them pretty much back to back. i gained a lot of weight with my pregnancies. and had the hardest time losing it for almost a year, it just wouldn't budge. then i started using this site, and counting my calories and exercising a lot, and i've lost about 25 pounds in the past few months. you can do it too. Its all about willpower and determination.

    good luck to you. :)
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I was, I did, and I am in better shape than I EVER was before!!!
  • treyes000
    treyes000 Posts: 21
    Feel free to add me. I got three kids my youngest is 5 months and im definately trying to get back into shape!
  • _tjejen_
    _tjejen_ Posts: 38
    That's me :) I have a 6 month old beautiful baby boy and a gorgeous almost 5 year old (Im still carrying the weight I put on with her!!)

    I'm here because she drew me a picture and told me "that's you mummy, before I was born and before you got fat"

    Feel free to add me :)
  • BTheGreatest
    BTheGreatest Posts: 145
    Feel free to add me I have been pregnant 5 times with 6 children (13-10-8-6-5) and am still struggling to get into my pre-pregger body!!
  • I am too, it's been a while but now I am ready to get back in shape to have another...if that makes sense to anyone...
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have one child and he is almost 22 months!!
  • selenametts
    selenametts Posts: 42 Member
    That's my goal too. I have 2 little ones (3 yr old and 1 yr old) :) I love to have supportive friends :)
  • tamtamzz
    tamtamzz Posts: 142
    You can add me. I have a 6 and 3 almost 4 year old, and I never bothered to lose the weight.
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    Feel free to add me ladies. I had my last baby in December gained 48 pounds. I have lost 72 pounds since having him in December and way less than pre pregnancy. I went on Maintenance on Tuesday but am here for support and suggestions.