Question...can anyone answer?

I am almost done with my second week of MFP and have lost 4lbs. I never knew how many calories I consumed daily but after counting I know it was well over 2,500 - 3,000. My question is.....cutting over 1,000 calories a day, drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day compared to never drinking water I figured I would have at least lost my water weight, which they say is normally your first 10lbs. I know weight comes off a lot slower than it is coming on, but I am discouraged about just 4 lbs. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables and eat Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers for every meal.


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    How's your sodium level with those lean cuisines / weight watchers portioned / packaged foods?

    4 lbs in 2 weeks is awesome!
  • ArmyRD
    ArmyRD Posts: 24
    I am almost done with my second week of MFP and have lost 4lbs. I never knew how many calories I consumed daily but after counting I know it was well over 2,500 - 3,000. My question is.....cutting over 1,000 calories a day, drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day compared to never drinking water I figured I would have at least lost my water weight, which they say is normally your first 10lbs. I know weight comes off a lot slower than it is coming on, but I am discouraged about just 4 lbs. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables and eat Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers for every meal.

    The recommended rate of weight loss is 1-2# per week. You are right on the mark at 2 weeks.
  • AllDIVA
    AllDIVA Posts: 45 Member
    Look at the time of day you are eating what... what i mean is eat you carbs earlier in the day. Dinner should be veggies and protein. meat, fish, seafood, chicken, turkey. Try and have some protein at each meal. My trainer told me not to eat the calories added from exercise. remember calories in vs calories out. I do not eat bread unless i have white rice...My trainer and nutritionist want me to have a high protein low carb eating plan. I try to stay under 109 carbs a day. talk to you doctor. I do know when I focus, the weight comes off. when I dont... It doesnt. Good luck.
  • Lynn625
    Lynn625 Posts: 56 Member
    4 lbs is really good for 2 weeks. Slow and steady wins the race!
  • lyonkovic
    lyonkovic Posts: 4
    Sodium is VERY high....least amount is a little over 400mg. Do you think that could be my problem. I started eating those because they are already portioned out for me and it seems hard to find meals 3 times a day to stay within my calorie goal.
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    It's like the LC and WW meals that I causing you to retain water. They have LOTS of sodium. You are better off cooking your own foods. You will likely see a big difference.
  • XjuliaXannX
    XjuliaXannX Posts: 67 Member
    don't be silly! 4lbs in two weeks is great! exercise and eat right so that the pounds go away and you start to lose inches, don't try to lose massive amounts of weight really fast because the weight will come back for sure.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    If you're eating a lot of Lean Cuisines/Weight Watchers frozen meals, they may be loaded with sodium and therefore you could be retaining water which will hinder the water weight loss. But when I first started losing weight I didn't have a huge weight loss at first and then slow down so just b/c some ppl do doesn't necessarily mean you have to. Sustainable weight loss for the long term is 1-2lbs per week. Sounds like you're on the right track so just keep doing what you're doing...
  • marlopaterson
    4 pounds is great! Don't let that get you down. But like another person said, be careful about the sodium in the frozen dinners. That can make you hold onto water. Aside from that, keep up the good work!
  • AllDIVA
    AllDIVA Posts: 45 Member
    I agreed with the sodium comment. also those meals have a lot of carbs. If you are not burning them then where are they going... I know mine go straight to my hips, arms, but and thighs. Please do not eat the frozen meals for dinner. try veggies and protein..meat fish chicken turkey seafood.
    Good Luck!
  • kat5556
    kat5556 Posts: 164 Member
    I agree with the other - 2 pounds a week is very good. "They" say your sodium shouldn't exceed 250 mg a day but if you can get it even a little lower it will help with hanging on to the excess water.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    It's like the LC and WW meals that I causing you to retain water. They have LOTS of sodium. You are better off cooking your own foods. You will likely see a big difference.

    Haha! I guess I shoulda read the other responses before replying lol.
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member

    You are doing awesome!!! My curves coach tells me that with all this heat and humidity everyone is retaining water cause our bodies think that since the humidity makes us sweat so much our bodies are losing too much water. So humidity/water retention and the sodium levels may be the cause but you are right where you need to be for healthy weight loss!!! Keep up the great work!!!

  • jasonpclement
    jasonpclement Posts: 146 Member
    Four pounds in two weeks is good. When you hear about people losing absurd amounts of weight quickly...its usually water/muscle and a bit of fat. There are over 3000 calories in a pound of fat. There is no healthy way to lose multiple pounds quickly...its actually a lot easier and quicker to burn your muscle off...and when you try and do it quickly... that's exactly what you'll do. You are going at a nice pace :).
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Ummmm, that is 2 pounds per week. Nothing to complain about. It's very d@mn good actually.
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Two pounds per week is perfect. Keep it up! Your doing great!
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    4 lbs is quote something I have heard is not a sprint it is a marathon. It will take a little time.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    Try to avoid the prepackaged meals and if you do eat a bunch of them drink more water. Also there are alot of sugars and carbs in fruit which can help you retain water as well. So I would maybe limit your fruit to two servings a day which is 60 calories and 12 to 15 grams of carbs. A big banana can be considered two servings.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Read the labels on those WW and Lean Cuisine meals. Check the carb and sodium content....its usually high. I wont eat frozen dinners....too processed. Fresh is best. Buy a rotisserie chicken, take off the skin and eat that instead. MUCH better for you and just as easy to prepare. :)
  • lyonkovic
    lyonkovic Posts: 4
    THANKS everyone!! I am going to take the advice and start watching the sodium intake, that didn't even cross my mind.