Way too much sugar... but I'm under my calorie goal.

So... I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed yesterday and I have been on an all soft diet. So I have basically been living on mashed potatoes, yogurt, soup and protein drinks. I just checked my diary for today and I am going to have 153 grams of sugar today!!!! But only 1,472 calories. My daily goal is 1,700 calories. So I am under my calorie goal but way over my sugar limit. Will I still lose weight this week? I am probably not gonna be able to eat solid foods for at least a couple more days. I am trying not to consume so much sugar but it's hard when my food choices are so restricted!


  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    sometimes you end up talking to yourself in here, huh? :)

    while there are many members of the no-sugar brigade, I'm not one of them. sugar isn't going to hurt you above its caloric hit. in fact, your body uses sugar for energy -- like working out -- and your brain runs off of the stuff. both of those are good things, ya know?

    as long as you aren't diabetic, you don't really even need to track sugar. I do track carbs, though, which is essentially the same thing. they are broken down in the body into sugars. as long as you are eating in your caloric limits, you're golden.
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    Welllll... I am diabetic. But it's well controlled. My A1C is no longer even in the diabetic range. I have been checking my sugars regularly and they are good... between 90 - 120 .... so it's not affecting my blood sugar. But still... it just seems like a lot of sugar for one day! lol
    sometimes you end up talking to yourself in here, huh? :)

    while there are many members of the no-sugar brigade, I'm not one of them. sugar isn't going to hurt you above its caloric hit. in fact, your body uses sugar for energy -- like working out -- and your brain runs off of the stuff. both of those are good things, ya know?

    as long as you aren't diabetic, you don't really even need to track sugar. I do track carbs, though, which is essentially the same thing. they are broken down in the body into sugars. as long as you are eating in your caloric limits, you're golden.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    sounds like you are getting it under control, though. and if your blood sugar is still OK, I think you're fine. there's nothing in sugar, in and of itself, that is evil and going to make you pack on 10 pounds.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    Bolthouse Farms - Perfectly Protein - Mocha Cappuccino, 8 fl oz
    ^ The culprit. That has 29 grams of sugar as opposed to 8 grams of protein. Is that really marketed as a protein shake? If you're happy drinking it, then by all means. I guess I wouldn't.
  • kadinlucas
    kadinlucas Posts: 77 Member
    I live on fruit. My sugar limit is 4-5x over the recommended amount every day. I just ignore the sugar one now. Only macro I am looking at is trying to keep sodium below the RDI. Not that I know what I am doing...
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I don't pay attention to my sugar intake. MPF give you a ridiculously low amount.

    But...I remember getting my wisdom teeth out. I would honestly just concentrate on getting better right now. You'll get back to it in a few days. Hope you aren't in too much pain! I felt like death for 3 days.
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    Like someone else posted, I wouldn't worry too much about any of that right now. Well, maybe trying to stay under your calorie limit, but not worry about all the specifics until you are feeling better in a few days.

    I do disagree with one poster who said that the sugar doesn't matter though. It does matter because it will cause your triglycerides to go through the roof if your sugar intake is high for a prolonged period of time. I had never had high triglycerides, but last fall I was really stressed because my dad was sick with severe dementia and I was trying to work out living arrangements for him, etc. Anyway, I resorted to drinking a coke almost every day for several days here and then several days there, etc. This went on for about 3 months. When I went for my checkup and blood work 4 months later, my triglycerides were high and the doc said I had been intaking too much sugar. Well, I knew exactly what THAT was -- too many cokes.

    Hang in there. You will be back to normal soon.:wink:
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    Damn, you've already lost 102 pounds! That's awesome!

    I'm with some other posters in that I don't record my sugar anymore. I do, however, record my sodium. To me, sodium hurts my body more than natural sugars do. Although I'm also not a big sugar eater at all (with the exception of some daily fruit). When I had my wisdom teeth out, I had a terrible time. I couldn't eat solids for two weeks! I remember consuming pudding, sherbet, cottage cheese, and maybe some soup. I also remember my pants falling off my butt at the end of it. If you're really concerned about it, maybe look for some juices (naked or bolthouse) that are primarily veggie and don't have as much sugar. But, I'd take this time to give your body as much fuel as it needs to heal itself. It's only temporary!
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    I don't pay attention to my sugar intake. MPF give you a ridiculously low amount.

    But...I remember getting my wisdom teeth out. I would honestly just concentrate on getting better right now. You'll get back to it in a few days. Hope you aren't in too much pain! I felt like death for 3 days.

    Thanks. The pain isn't too bad right now. The first day it was. But now I'm just a little sore and swollen.
  • pt6615
    pt6615 Posts: 2
    I'm quite new to this; an expert told me a funny story about a shipwrecked man who had stuck on an island with only a handful of fruit trees and bushes and a silly book about dieting at hand. He lived off the fruits only day by day. He started reading the book solely out of boredom. He found out about the sugar content and calorie values of the different fruits he ate and freightfully realized that according to the calories and sugars he put in on a daily basis he is hugely overweight and is going to die soon - big time! ( he wasn't of course :-) ). He started lowering the amount down to a certain level that was acceptable by the book. Shortly after he died.
    The man was obviously missing a lot of other stuff that could caused his death. His attention was focused on sugars. Calories are only a unit of energy just as joules. What counts is the amount of energy put in daily as anything in excess goes to storage - ie bellyfat, etc. In general one can't grow fat out of fruits or sugars if the energy intake is balanced. This is how I learned it...