Anyone recently made a switch from carnivore to vegetarian?

I am probably going to go vegetarian for one month to test run it. I have gone for long periods without meat and have no issues with it so I am going to intentionally extend the period in time without eating meat.

Who has recently made the switch and do you feel significantly better or different?


  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    Yup! I was vegetarian for years and it ended about 7 years ago. I gave up meat again for Lent this year. I then started reading about the current factory farming system in the US and was officially turned off! I like how I feel meatless :) I'm not saying I'll never ever ever touch a piece of meat again in my life, but at this point, I intend to live vegetarian.

    Editing to answer your question better. I do, personally, feel better. I still get a lot of protein. I'm single and I think eating vegetarian is easier for me than making meat meals. That's just my opinion. I also find that I limit the mistakes I could make with food when meat isn't involved. For example, those lazy nights ordering out are now nice portabella wraps or salads instead of chicken fingers, cheeseburger subs, wings, etc.
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I have recently become a vegie. I'm enjoying trying new foods. It was a bit daunting at first. Now I really don't like seeing meat on a plate at all! I guess I'm like an ex-smoker!