Any guys looking for accountability?



  • travisseger
    travisseger Posts: 271 Member
    Welcome. Looks like we are in a very similar boat. I'm 6'4" and currently right where you are weight-wise (though I started at a much higher weight) and am looking to get down to the 230-235 lbs. range myself. Feel free to add me as a friend - always good to have some more support from people on a similar journey.
  • muirspud
    muirspud Posts: 27 Member
    Definetly not many men on here, but then again, weight loss, body issues and image has never been a male dominated topic. You know the saying guys, when you with your partner, they secretly fatten you up to take you off the market!

    But anyway, i started about 4 week ago, i was 280lb about 4 years ago and ive lost about 67lb since, and 13lb in the last 4 weeks. Feel free if want to add anyway as im 1660 calories a day and trying to work out at the same time.
  • mixtaplix
    mixtaplix Posts: 74 Member
    Definitely not alot of dudes on here.....always lookin for more motivation, and always try to help with motivation with all my friends! Request sent!
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    I am a bloke! I will send you a friend request.
  • mack3212
    mack3212 Posts: 3
    Hi, I'm Mack.
    Have been using MFP for close to a couple of months. This is actually my first posting, I think. I'm game to loose about 100 lbs.
    1. 1 June 12 , weight 312
    2. 25 July 12, weight 284, loss of 27 lbs since 1 Jun.
    3. I'm trying low carb, Atkin's, but also keeping in sight of calories & carbs via MFP.
    4. Also using FitBit which interfaces with MFP. Trying to get 10,000 steps a day.

    I should have actually lost more since 1 June but my girl friend isn't following a plan and at times I fall off the wagon.
    I've got to loose this weight because of health impacts and self estteem.
    1. Borderline Type 2 Diabetes.
    2. Weight causes lower back pain at times.
    3. Dealing with Depression off and on.
    4. Cardio not what it used to be.
    6. Self concious of how I look.

    Since just the 27 lbs lost. All areas have improved. I'm on the road to success and will maintain.

  • gregmiddag
    gregmiddag Posts: 25 Member
    Nice to see others like me! Good luck to you guys will see you around
  • need more guy friends too!! the ladies are great and supportive though. feel free to add me dudes :)
  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member

    Friend request incoming. Anyone can feel free to send me an invite as well.
  • aplusgeek
    aplusgeek Posts: 49
    Hey all,

    You can add me too.
  • jonwv
    jonwv Posts: 362 Member
    Feel free to add me also. I have a goal of 80lbs...going to push myself to do it. A couple years ago I lost 50lb..but laziness got the best of me and i gained it back. So now i am determined.
  • ShaunMc1968
    ShaunMc1968 Posts: 204
    Hi, I am going from 217 to 168 (that's the positive plan!) I have been on about 25 days and lost 5lbs so far with a weigh-in tomorrow. I am ex-services and a good buddy who appreciates some mutual support and I don't mind being told the truth when I stray!.Any guy feel free to add me.
  • brianlowell
    brianlowell Posts: 28 Member
    Just joined and trying to get in shape.. I am 6'6 at 280lbs.. Feel free to add me as well, don't mind some fitness networking buddies!
  • dirtydmvkid
    dirtydmvkid Posts: 184
    Yut yut. Request sent.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Welcome to the site, feel free to add. Could do with more Male friends. So far doing well enough, about 7 pounds to go and then all body fat for me
  • tyboscoe
    tyboscoe Posts: 3 Member
    I am 6'1'' and 252 lbs. I started at the end of May and have lost about 30 lbs. I have changed my diet and I think that is pretty good now, but what I need help with is my workout program. Currently, all I do is run, but I will have a gym in a couple of weeks and want to know what I should do.
    Anyone add me for advice.
  • jasonpclement
    jasonpclement Posts: 146 Member
    Feel free. I'm naturally a smaller framed guy, but I have gone through quite a transformation. I eat and breathe fitness, despite being a desk junky IT nerd. Willing and excited to help.
  • ojdsilv
    ojdsilv Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Accountability is what this site is based on! I joined a over a month ago and have found the mere act of writing stuff down is a strong motivator, but it really does help to have some friends on here who are going through the same stuff. Feel free to add me and best of luck with your goals!
  • wazzanz
    wazzanz Posts: 78
    Just joined up to MFP 2 days ago. Been going religiously to the gym for past 6 weeks and not lost any weight. Feel better and been doing body pump twice a week so thinking (hoping) being converting fat to muscle. Anyway logging on MFP now and keen to see how other similar males getting on. Am 6"3 and looking at losing 33lbs to get me down to a lean and mean 195lbs (sorry we use kg's so a bit of guess work.)
  • stevean
    stevean Posts: 7 Member
    Simlar boat here. I'm a bit shorter, between 5 7 and 58. I want to get all the way back down to 175.
    275 a couple weeks before I started here, then when I started here I was at 271. I work a desk job so that's not much help either.

    I stopped smoking about 6 yrs ago, and started gaining, then I royally screwed up my knee about 4 yrs ago - completely ruptured patellar tendon - the one that goes over your kneecap connecting your quads to your lower leg. This is the "leg extension" tendon. That really sent my weight skyrocketing. The added weight made my knee hurt more, which made me exercise less, which made my weith go up, ..... I started walking at lunchtime and that seems to be helping a bit. I feel less winded already.

    Most days I hit my targets, but every now and then I splurge. I am down from where I started but need to stay on top of it.

    Oh, and I'm a beer judge. That doesn't help either, but somebody has to do it. (At least now I know to take account for it.)