Achiles Tendon Injury

brendaschmitt1 Posts: 218
edited December 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Has any one had this injury? I went out this past weekend dancing in heels(higher then the normal heels i wear). The next day my Achilles tendons hurt. Every time I exercise(elliptical, walking, strength training) it hurts. Throughout the day I am okay until during or after workout. I stretch really good. Any advice on what to do?


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    1. Throw away your heels
    2. RICE ( Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)

    Take it easy for a couple of days and wear sensible shoes. (Mine bothers me now if I wear my cowboy boots for more than a few hours)

    add calf raises to your workouts
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    see your doctor? depending on how damaged the tendon is, it might be a mistake to keep trying to load it for a while.
  • Brain I tried that stretch and it felt better for a few minutes then started to hurt again. Ive been taking it easy on the recliner icing it every few minutes. Hopefully I will be better tomorrow. If not then may take a trip to see doc. :(
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    Yes, thanks to spending a whole day on foot with high heels as I'm someone who wouldn't wear high heels to save my life. Back on superstars, it took around a week for the tendon to recover. Hear the man, don't strain it.
  • 2011EP
    2011EP Posts: 95 Member
    Definitely rest it. I kept running on a sore/injured Achilles tendon and it just kept gettin worse. Switched from running to cycling and increased my stretching before and after working out. Feel better!
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    1. Throw away your heels
    2. RICE ( Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)

    Take it easy for a couple of days and wear sensible shoes. (Mine bothers me now if I wear my cowboy boots for more than a few hours)

    add calf raises to your workouts

    This is excellent advice.
    In addition to this, do eccentric and concentric calf raises (slow up and down from heels up onto your toes on both feet and each foot individually) before you do something that involves a lot of ankle mobility/stability to make sure everything is warmed up and ready to work. Proper warmups are very important for preventing injury when exercising.
  • I will definitely get rid of the heels and follow all of this great advice. I will probably just do a arm workout tomorrow with weights definitely no cardio (eliptical).

    I will need to start some cardio soon though so what about swimming? Is it bad for Achilles?
  • Definitely rest it. I kept running on a sore/injured Achilles tendon and it just kept gettin worse. Switched from running to cycling and increased my stretching before and after working out. Feel better!

    Just wondering how long did it take to get better before you were able to workout again?
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I had a bad injury on it, left foot, and rested but it didn't really work, so then I got physical theraphy (included eccentric heel lifts and strengtening muscles around it, and ASTYM - which is a painful but effective massage/scraping of the tendon), for it for months and it progressively got better. It took 9 months for it to heal completely.

    I did do cardio/running while it was healing (OK'd with doctor and physical therapist) and it did not make it worse. I was careful to stretch and massage it before and after.

    If you are young it will take a shorter time to heal.
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    I strained both of my achilles doing sprint intervals and it took almost 6 weeks before I was back to 100% and that was with PT.
  • ZoeyRobinson
    ZoeyRobinson Posts: 301
    I tore mine back in high school and it still hurts me to this day. Go see a doctor before you do more damage and try to keep off it. You might want to try a brace just to limit mobility.
  • wolfiesgirl
    wolfiesgirl Posts: 59 Member
    I hurt my achilles doing 30DS! After 2 weeks of agony I went to the doc who prescribed strong anti-inflammatories for 2 weeks and stretching exercises, that was 4 months ago....It is a lot better but still get twinges from it, I could hardly walk at one point! I also wear an ankle support when walking long distances. Hope it heals quickly x
  • I went to the doc and he said it does not look serious but i need to just stay off of it for a few days. Ice it down and I should be able to exercise in about a week. He gave me some naproxen samples. Hopefully he is right. I don't want it to get worse because I can not have another injury. I already have 3 bulging disk in my neck and tendonitis in my knees. : (
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    swimming would be fine for whilst you're healing. weight bearing plantar flexion of the foot is what you want to avoid, particularly strenuous versions such as running, or heel raises. At least for a few days. Heel raises are great for restoring any lost strength in gastroc and soleus and also for restoring tensile strength in the tendon, and for influencing collagen deposits during the later stages of inflammation (healing).

    Be guided by your pain and don't do anything strenuous for a few days though.
  • swimming would be fine for whilst you're healing. weight bearing plantar flexion of the foot is what you want to avoid, particularly strenuous versions such as running, or heel raises. At least for a few days. Heel raises are great for restoring any lost strength in gastroc and soleus and also for restoring tensile strength in the tendon, and for influencing collagen deposits during the later stages of inflammation (healing).

    Be guided by your pain and don't do anything strenuous for a few days though.

    Thanks this is great advice. I will continue to rest a few more days then try swimming. I went to the store today and was not able to walk very long without it bothering me. i kind of know how much i can walk now and it is not very long. now just going to icy it and sit in the recliner all day. I am definitely going to be guided by my pain and no strenuous activities. Im not taking chances. I going back to work in 2 more weeks so i need to get better.
  • Take care of it!

    RICE, do calf raises and rest!! I injured both tendons about 5 years ago and I have pain in them every single day. It sucks. So take care of yourself and don't over do it.
  • So how much rest do I need?

    Went to the Doc Friday. Got anti-inflamatories, I've been stretching and I have been staying home pretty much every day resting

    my Achilles tendons on ice off and on. It felts better but I'm still walking slowly. Don't know if I should stay on my feet or

    not.Thinking of going to the gym to do an upper body workout but I need to get better since i need to go back to work next week

    . I'm a teacher so I'm always on my feet.

    OMG last year I had a neck injury and had to take two months of off work at about this same time now I have this tendon

    problem. UGH:( Dont know why??????
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