Does anyone have a Christmas 2012 weight goal?



  • By the time my next birthday rolls around (January 23rd), I'm hoping to weigh 140 pounds at the most. I'm currently 165. Everyone says that I'll look "too skinny" at 140 since I'm 5'11, but I think that I'll look more toned as long as I keep building muscle and only loosing fat.
  • to lose about 12 pounds :)
  • I would like to lose 40 pounds by Christmas :]
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I'm looking to be 128 by Christmas, that'd be a loss of 8lbs.
  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    30-40 lb by Christmas for me. I want to be done with weight loss and be working on maintenance.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    I am aiming for another 2.5 stone (35lbs) to be gone by then
  • rachelbacker
    rachelbacker Posts: 11 Member
    i lost 40 from feb 2012 to now.
    the realistic goal is 30 lbs from July 25th to December 25th.
    then from december to july 2013 another 38 :)

  • lovemepurple88
    lovemepurple88 Posts: 22 Member
    I would like to be under 170 pounds by then which means I need to lose another 24.5 pounds
  • Charlene_91
    Charlene_91 Posts: 323
    My actual goal is 20lbs but i'd love to lose about 30lbs+

    Gd luck everyone...
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I'd love to have lost at least 30lbs by Christmas, with at least 20-25lbs of that lost by Nov. 1st (I'm Maid of Honor in my sister's wedding). I'd really love that!
  • Yes, bodyfat % of 21%!

    It's 28,5% now and used to be 34%.
  • Sure, 130 lbs would be nice. Currently I'm @155.
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    My first goal weight is 165, so that's less than 10 pounds away...regardless of weight, though, I'd like to be a size 8 by then (I'm a 10 now, so it should be doable)
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    I'd love to be at goal by Christmas 2012 155lbs currently 190lbs
  • CHN_
    CHN_ Posts: 94 Member
    I am hoping to have lost 15-20 kilograms by them, so around 40 pounds. I'd love to be down to 175 by Christmas.
  • Elizaj85
    Elizaj85 Posts: 158 Member
    mines another stone and half by christmas would be amazing!!!
  • pinkspanglystar
    pinkspanglystar Posts: 35 Member
    Im off to NZ a few weeks before christmas so my plan is to get to my goal weight before I go and hope I only put on a max of 7lb while away!! Last time I lost weight while there so fingers crossed I could be a cracker by christmas instead of a christmas pud (sorry its what my old ww lady used to say :)!!)
  • Jadehollybee
    Jadehollybee Posts: 22 Member
    Yes!! Id like to loose 42lb by Christmas !!
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    I'm hoping I will have hit my goal weight of 115-117 by Christmas, yes :smile:
    Only 6-8 lb to go!
  • Leophir
    Leophir Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, 44 lbs!