Going over food goal but with exercise net cals only 728

Hello all,

Just discovered this app and community a couple of days ago - it's fantastic :)! I thought I'd say hi!

I'm 179cm tall and weigh 70kg (21 year old male). Haha sounds like the start of a shoddy dating profile! Anyway, I have some belly fat I'd like to get rid of and am aiming for 64kg losing 1 pound a week. I checked it's still a healthy BMI.

My daily calorie goal is 1660 and I ate 1819 today, mainly because I was trying to get rid of all the cals I lost through exercise.
My HRM said that I lost 1091 calories after swimming intensely for an hour and a half, I'm very inclined to trust it.

That only leaves me with net calories of 728 even though I ate 1819 cals. Now something I've discovered from using this app is that I don't eat all that much at all really - I have started having rounds of peanut butter and honey on wholegrain toast to gain more cals between meals. I eat lots of salad and fruit and I think this keeps the calorie count down.

I'm fairly confident that I can't take on more cals than that without shoving a load of food down my neck and definitely not enjoying it. Like I said I'm already eating rounds of toast with stuff for the sake of it :p

Is this net result after exercise a cause for concern or am I all good :)? I seek your wisdom.

Many thanks,


Edit: I've only been at it for a couple of days but just found out that you can make your profile and diary public, so I have.


  • etreutel
    etreutel Posts: 2 Member
    I usually eat about half of my exercise calories. However, my daily goal is 1200 and my exercise calories range from about 300-500 total per day, much less than yours, and find that it works for me. I sometimes question how accurate mfp is when calculating calories lost during exercise and feel like it tends to over-estimate (however I know swimming is a top calorie burner). One thing you could try, without being a regular at the drive through, is eating high-calorie healthy protein/fats.. these could include almonds, beans, peanut butter, avocado.. etc.

    Good luck!
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    If you have a day here or there where you end up way under your net goal, I don't think it's a big deal - don't force yourself to eat if you don't want to.

    If you're going to be burning that many calories regularly, though, you will probably want to find a way to pack in some of those calories.
  • C1tric
    C1tric Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the replies guys.

    That's a good idea actually, I'll make sure I eat back half of the calories I burn, that's more manageable.

    Yeah I normally do a big swim like that once a week otherwise I jog when it's not too hot.
    As long as what I'm doing isn't putting me at risk I'm good with that =)!

    Thanks again,
