So frustrated!!!!!

I started P90x a couple weeks ago. I am using MFP diligently and though I admit I have gone over few days, I have recorded it. P90x is kicking my butt.....I consider myself in NO SHAPE, because I am so out of shape! What frustrates me is both weeks I have gotten on the scale and no changes!! No changes in my measurement!!! What am I doing wrong??? Any advice?


  • fromfattytohealthy
    fromfattytohealthy Posts: 60 Member
    Don't even think about it. You probably won't see a change the first couple weeks. You're putting your body into overtime. And your muscles retain water with a lot of strength training, which P90X is. Measure/weight yourself after a rest day. Personally, I would only weight myself once a month because you're bound to see a difference then. Good luck!