Unusual Mass Distribution vs FAT



  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    haha sorry when I read that I read

    Unusal Masterbation vs FAT

    it is early!!
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    John and Mike are 209lbs each and both are 5'8".
    John has 30% body fat and Mike has 8% body fat.

    Both are obese on the BMI chart.

    Which is why I dont understand the BMI chart at all

    It made sense back when the world was flat.

    ok now you're not making sense.

    I think what the "flat" poster was saying is that when they came up with BMI, it sounded good at the time. Now, it seems that it's a bit antiquated, since people are so incredibly different now. I don't think the prevalence of gyms and "fit" people with low % body fat was the same as it is now.

    Apparently (and I use this term loosely), the system of BMI was created in the 1800's. "Body mass index is defined as the individual's body mass divided by the square of his or her height." I don't recall there being a prevalence of the weight issues (and body image) that we have now (eating too much, not eating enough, etc.) back in the 1800's.

    With BMI, there's no accounting for what that mass is actually composed of. SO in the same way that a pound of foam packing peanuts has the same mass as a pound of concrete, they have the same mass, but are not taking up the same space. A pound is a pound, but isn't always the same size.

    If you're 180 lbs of muscle, you're going to look considerably different than someone who is 180 of not-muscle and the same height as you are. BMI just looks at your mass divided by your height. It comes down to using a straight mathematical formula to gage something that has other variables (such as fat versus non-fat, or possibly even skeletal frame) that are not taken into consideration.

    Hope that helps.
  • awmejia
    awmejia Posts: 147 Member
    The bmi chart is only a guide. It is not the rule. If you are freaking out have your doctor check your fat percentage.
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    You're asking like three different questions here. The first is "I'm 5'11" and 180 pounds, but the BMI chart says I'm overweight. I don't feel overweight so what's the deal?" The answer to this one is tough without more information. I'm 5'11" too, and 180 is my current goal weight. I think I'll look really good at that weight with some muscle on my frame. Once I get there I'll know for sure, but meanwhile understand that BMI is an average and just because you're a tiny bit over the "healthy" mark doesn't mean you have a problem. If your doc says you're ok, you probably are.

    The second question is "how can I be fat when I run 2.5 miles a day?". This one makes me face palm a little bit. I outweigh you by around 40 pounds and I run way more than 2.5 miles a day, and I do other stuff besides. Weight and fitness level are related concepts, but not the same thing. You can be too heavy while still being in pretty good shape by exercise standards. You can be thin while still being unable to walk around the block.

    The last question is "does pasta make you fat?" The answer is yes or no. Too much of any type of calorie dense food will make you fat. I eat pasta all the time and I've lost 30 pounds, but I can garuntee that weight loss would stop if I triple my pasta intake.