Paris backslide - feeling down


I recently spent 4 days in Paris, and try as I might, I was unable to resist the carb-y cheese-y Parisian fare. I am now back to a more normal eating pattern, but I am feeling very discouraged about my ability to make actual changes to my body.

I know this takes time, and I know everyone wants results, I just am having a hard time visualizing mine and waiting for them to happen.

How long did your weightloss journey take you? How do you deal with feeling guilty about overindulging when it happens? How do you continue to motivate yourself to make the right lifestyle choices?


  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Why feel guilty about indulging in PARIS?!?!? It is PARIS! Enjoy and move on. Change takes time. Would you tell a friend they should feel bad for enjoying some of the finest cuisine in the world? It looks like you are fairly new to the site. Give it time and remember you didn't gain weight in a few weeks, so it won't come off in a few weeks.
  • AngelAtkins61
    AngelAtkins61 Posts: 52 Member
    The word here is PARIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My goodness how often will you go there????????? I doubt there is one sane person on here that would say they didnt go off their plan if they had gone!
    Paris is known for its food. An experience I hope to have one day, calories be damned!
    You are back on track right now. DO NOT FEEL DOWN! Jump up and down "I WAS IN PARIS" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • goblynn
    goblynn Posts: 148 Member
    ^^^^ What she said-
    Cut yourself some slack...
    The way I look at it, it doesn't matter how long it takes as long as I know that I'm making the right choices the majority of the time. So, a couple days in Paris- eating what I want is not going to break me. Just get back into your healthy choices routine and be confident that you are on the right path.
    When I have an off day, I move one BUT.... try to remember what that guilt feels like the next time I want a large DQ Blizzard. :) Usually this is enough to steer me back to healthier choices. :) Good luck to you!!!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Unless you are going to Paris every week or two, I don't think it's relevant. You're supposed to enjoy yourself on vacation.