Please give me some ideas as to what kinds of meals you eat. I'd like to lose about 50lbs and I just can't seem to get it together. I have tried just about every diet known to man and I'm hoping that MFP will help me reach my goal I've got my exercise under control but this eating thing is no joke. Please help.

Thank you!


  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    first start with logging everything you eat.

    second - start looking at portions. I was amazed at how easily I dropped weight when I cut a sandwich in half, ate half and waiting 10 minutes before deciding if I needed the other half (we are talking a Jimmy John's sandwich not a PBJ)...also when I started counting out 15 pretzels (or whatever the suggested serving said on the package) and eating that and waiting before gathering a few more...lots of calories are consumed mindlessly

    third...make one change at a time...figure out a few great breakfast options. I like a 100 calorie whole grain english muffin, 1.5 tbsp of crunchy peanut butter and half a banana.....less than 300 cals and filling....I also like a 80 cal flour tortilla, 1 or 2 scrambled eggs with a tiny bit of cheese and salsa in a breakfast burrito...once you figure out a good breakfast figure out a few lunch options that are great fall backs or that you like enough to eat every day...I eat the exact same lunch for months at a time because it is fast and easy and healthy. Once you figure out lunch worry about an afternoon snack. Make each change one a t a time..when that change seems easy move onto the next one...finally dinner etc

    fourth - look through diaries and do research. You do not need to focus on calories, macros, clean etc until you know what it all means and what makes sense to you can do it...keep at it
  • AngelAtkins61
    AngelAtkins61 Posts: 52 Member
    The most important thing in weight loss is portion control and exercise! I am at 42 lbs lost so far with more to go. Its not easy! I plateau'd for 7 months. No idea other than stress as to why. Yoga is good for stress!
    MFP will help TONS! log in every single thing you eat. Every exercise including cleaning house, cooking etc. And some cardio!
    Stay away from high fat foods. I have found ways to make AMAZING "Fried fish" "Fried eggplant" without frying and they are crispy and great!
    Try to have something like fruit , a 100 cal bag of nuts etc for snacks. DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF! You have to eat to lose!
    They say to try and have the most calories in the daytime meals and less in the evening. Some days I do some I dont. I work late so its hard for me.
    Be sure to keep an eye on fat and protien intake on your page here.
    Just common sense. Its more about changing bad habits and not dieting really. Portion control and smart choices! If you are in a situation where there are hi cal sweets or the like. Have a small taste. If you can do that and stop. If not find a substitute!
    and again EXERCISE :) I cant stress that enough :) GOOD LUCK AND REMEMBER YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pscripter
    pscripter Posts: 2
    Tracking your calories in My Fitness Pal can really help you be aware of what you are eating, i.e. portion control. It's so easy once you change your mind set to having control of your weight. I've lost 12 pounds since May 20, but every day is not perfect. I can eat whatever I want, just as long as I write it down and let the program figure calories. You have to fight the fat, baby! Look around: almost everyone is overweight. That's no reason to accept yours. This can really work for you! Dr. Oz said that once your body starts shedding pounds it starts thinking skinny. Your mind will, too.
  • Raven413
    Raven413 Posts: 86
    Thanks so much for all of your suggestions and your encouragement!

    Have a great day!:smile:
  • Hey there if you work like I do at weird hours time is an important factor. I'm getting off of work at 0800, is it dinner time or time for bed?

    In my system I eat every 3hours. meal, snack,meal, snack... and so on... ..

    I just started getting back into this, and boy can I tell the difference when I dont! When you eat this often you never feel hungry and its flexible. I can spend my calories here or there.

    The point is to plan your meals and snacks for the week. Go to the store once and save yourself some time and panic when your meals come around.

    If you like to cook there are awesome websites with free recipes like, and google can point you in this direction. fish around there is a ton out there. If you are not a cook print out the nutrition information before you eat out, saving yourself some reading time in the moment.
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    I have lost weight and I've never been on a "diet".

    Feel free to friend me, my blog is in my profile description, I have a lot of healthy recipes on there.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I don't follow a "diet". I am learning to monitor the calorie content of the foods I eat and being mindful of what goes in my mouth verses what I am burning in a day. You really can't go wrong with portion "right sizing", fresh fruits & veggies, and **small** daily treats. I have a chocolate protein bar almost every day as a treat, but it's already factored into my daily calories so I won't blow up my day.

    Restrict yourself too much, or eat unlimited size portions, and you'll struggle. And, remember, for some people it takes WEEKS to see the scale budge. For me, it was over a month!! Talk about frustrating!!!
  • I've just started and am down nearly 7lbs in just the first week. I know that will slow a bit, but it is amazing how much logging my food helps. But you asked for meals, so here are some things that we like.

    Chicken breasts dipped in egg and then rolled in Panko crumbs and baked in the oven. We have those with some sort of veggie or you can put it on a bun.

    We are sandwich nuts! SO much variety. You can get bread that is 45 cals a slice, lean turkey, reduced fat cheese, and then pile with veggies. Pair with some baked lays.

    Baked tostios scoops - put in a little shredded cheese, some ground beef (90/10) that is taco seasoned, and a dab of avocado verde wholly salsa and you have a delish little nacho dinner.

    Homemade black bean soup. If you like beans, this stuff is delicious. You can find a low carb recipe with a simple google search. In fact, chicken noodle soup is a great low calorie (or can be) meal which is filling.
  • Raven413
    Raven413 Posts: 86

    Don't like to cook much so these ideas are right down my alley! :wink: What are Panko crumbs?
  • Panko is just a type of light, crispy breadcrumb. Very tasty!