Does anyone have a Christmas 2012 weight goal?



  • Stuz359
    Stuz359 Posts: 81
    Ideally I would like to have lost another 20lbs by my birthday ,11th Oct, but definitely by Christmas. So about 156lb is my current goal weight.
  • I'd love to be at my goal weight for Christmas, between 125-130, currently hovering around 150.
    Its my birthday on 4th Dec so i'd love to be 130 by then so i can go out in a nice little party dress :)
  • CRVDiva
    CRVDiva Posts: 98
    Mine is not to go over 135.8lbs.
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    I'd like to lose 35lbs, think at 1.5lbs per week should be doable. I need to get a chart at home and tick them off.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    If I haven't reached my goal by Christmas, I will kill myself ;-)
  • I'd like to lose 45-50 by Christmas. Whether it happens or not it's ok. :) As long as it's coming off!
  • MrsSweetT
    MrsSweetT Posts: 90 Member
    Yes, I would like reach my GW of 153 by Christmas...what a gift!
  • Cwilbanks12105
    Cwilbanks12105 Posts: 99 Member
    Yep, want to lose 30lbs by then.
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    I hope to have lost 50 pounds by Christmas.
  • gracia124
    gracia124 Posts: 41 Member
    I want to reach my GW by mid-November - only 8 pounds to go but it's a slow process for my 5'0 frame. That being said, I would LOVE to at least see signs of a six-pack and some arm definition. I've never had that in my life so we'll see :)
  • 145!!!
  • TrishRyan
    TrishRyan Posts: 27 Member
    I want to reach my goal weight of 115 lbs by Christmas... 25lbs to go!!
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Hoping to reach goal by then so 43 lbs. If not, then darn close.
  • Benisma1
    Benisma1 Posts: 29 Member
    I would love to go out and buy a new outfit for Christmas 30 pounds lighter than I am now, 50 pounds lighter than I started. If I work at it really hard, maybe I can be at my goal weight of 135 pounds by my birthday on 2/1.... what a gift that would be
  • Yes ,I would like to lose 50lbs by Christams. I just started back @ MFP, and I have been bike riding almost daily, and have started a low carb diet....
  • Yes ,I would like to lose 50lbs by Christams. I just started back @ MFP, and I have been bike riding almost daily, and have started a low carb diet....
    I weighed myself this morn. So far I have lost 4lbs. Yeah me..
  • Im hoping to be 163 So thats 27 Pounds to go!
  • My goal is to lose at least 10 pounds by Christmas. I don't aim very high because I get upset with myself if I don't succeed.
  • dena789
    dena789 Posts: 165 Member
    I know setting goals is important so here goes.... I would like to reach ONEderland by Christmas.

    Current weight = 226.8 lbs
    Loss in past 45 days = 19 lbs
    Looking to weigh 199 (OR LESS hopefully) by Christmas so that is at least 28 pounds to go. Should be doable.
  • Martina_Who
    Martina_Who Posts: 172 Member
    I was hoping to be at goal but after only a few weeks my weight is stalling so not sure now... :/