Surprise on the scale

I wanted to share my excitement with anyone who has stepped on the scale numerous times to find that they had put on lbs despite busting a gut on the exercise. That was me a few weeks ago until today when I got on the scale and found that I had lost 19lbs. I cannot believe it and just want to say that if you keep finding you have stayed the same or put on weight KEEP WITh it! DO NOT give up your surprise is just around the corner.


  • VivaLaMezzo
    VivaLaMezzo Posts: 11 Member
    That is JUST what I needed to hear! I've been hitting my calories, getting my daily exercise burn, and watching the scale go UP! I'm sure it's just my body adjusting to the changes, but it is so frustrating. Thanks for sharing.... and WAY TO GO!
  • lindab142
    lindab142 Posts: 16
    Congrats on the weight loss and meeting your food and exercise plan.

    I've been bad about the exercise part - haven't started yet. And, I don't own a scale :(
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    congratulations, thats an exceptional loss :)
  • francesiax
    francesiax Posts: 53
    Thanks guys. I just thought it would be good to share so that everyone can see that it itsn't just them which is how I felt :)
  • Arredondo145
    Arredondo145 Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you! I really needed that encouragement!
  • francesiax
    francesiax Posts: 53
    Anytime :)
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    Congrats to you, that is awesome!!!!!
  • francesiax
    francesiax Posts: 53
    Thank you :)